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Posts posted by Capt_Picard

  1. Today just does not stand for freedom, but the people that fought and died for it, the people that used their freedom to help others become free, the people that, and by the use of thier freedom, made the world a better place. The people who signed the that little pice of paper 229 years go knew that if they lost that war they would be hunted and killed. This day means, at least to me, that you, if you really belive in what you are doing, wound put everything on the line, even your life, to see it through. Many have done that for thier family, thier friends, and thier nation, but few put it down on paper.

  2. I have two jobs, one is working on a cable channel for my high school I just graduated from, and I am about to go to college. I went from student, to graduate, to worker in my high school in less then a day... that's sad.