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Posts posted by Capt_Picard

  1. You would serve in starfleet as a Captain. You have a command position. You would have started you career in Science. Any of the following positions may be available on a starship:




    Stellar Cartography

    "Through space the universe grasps me and swallows me up like a speck; through thought I grasp it."

    ( - Blaise Pascal, French scientist)

    Vast and ancient, the universe has a lot to teach us. It does not care about borders or conflict. Science tells us what it says, and what to do with it. From this understanding we have technology. Scientists are always pushing to learn more about the universe and about ourselves. How we use that knowledge defines our respect for the universe that spawned it.

    Well... what do I have to say, but that is just like the real Picard!

  2. When it came out I was very young, but I do remember seeing later in life. They did in DS9 and VOY, but it was real shocking in TNG. And I think the whole thing behind that show was to show that Data, at the end, was becoming more human... at least thats what I got from it.

  3. April 1, 2005

    By Ken Schram

    SEATTLE - Well, here we go again.

    The "Thought Police" have erupted to life in the Snohomish School District.

    In their never-ending quest to keep the curtain of political correctness draped around the community, school officials have suspended a student and banned the T-shirt he was wearing. (See story here.

    Oh sure, 17-year-old Justin Patrick and his friends have been wearing their "SNOHOS" shirts for quite awhile.

    But it's only now that the ever-vigilant "Thought Police" determined that the shirts have a hidden meaning: A slang term for prostitutes that is degrading to women.

    Well, I did some checking.

    Did you know they actually sell 'hoes' at the local hardware store?

    Worse yet, kids have been known to walk around town eating 'Ho-Ho's' purchased at the grocery store.

    And I have no idea why Snoho cops didn't arrest that jolly fat guy who wandered through town last December calling out, "Ho Ho Ho."

    Isn't that soliciting?

    Mind you, the school district has no problem authorizing the sale - right there in the Snoho High School store - of girls' pants that have panther paws imprinted on their butts.

    I guess a T-shirt that they believe contains a double entendre is just more than the "Thought Police" can handle.

    Sadly, this is just one more, out-of-control example of rampaging political correctness running amok.

    And I, for one, think it's nothing short of ho-rific.

    Want to share your thoughts with Ken Schram? You can e-mail him at


    What do you think?

  4. I can believe that some one would make a post like this for some lol's but as for StarTrek.Com I find it just wrong. There are many things I would like to say, but because people of any age can read this and I also don't want to get on the bad side of the mods I'll just say I will now have my computer friends take down StarTrek.Com for this.