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Posts posted by Nemesis

  1. Thats my main problem.Is that they are still flat on thier butts


    As we as trek fans still eat it up? i say no! I say Demand the quality that Trek was and deserves!

    to people this is quality trek... I didn't always like it... I don't just like it because it's trek I like it because IMO it is quality trek.

  2. My week back to school in grade 9 was like that my favorite teacher, neighbour, and family friend, hung himself the day after the school year in grade 8 not that the summer wasn't hard enough but having your first class back in his classroom not an easy thing at all. Well the next day my Uncle lost his long fight with cancer so I had to go down for the funeral, he was the uncle I wasn't closest to on my dad's side and my dad's best friend... it was the first time I ever saw my dad cry. Well my grandparents had been slowly becoming senile due to all the stress caused by my Uncle dying but they had now gone so far downhill that things even harder to bare. My grandfather now thinks I'm my father and my dad is his brother, he's stuck in the 60's. Well when we get home on thursday we find out that not one but two of my great uncles had been diagoniosed with incurible lung cancer and we're both given no longer then 6 months to live. The good thing about that though is that they are both alive today, still have cancer but by looking at them you would never know it.

  3. I can't vote Trip off, my friend Christie has a crush on him and she'd kill me. I went with Sulu even though I really like him. This is getting really hard now. ohwell.gif

    How could you vote off Sulu! He's soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.. COOL!

  4. I like wooden pencils, but I almost never see them in the hands of my students. They use fancy mechanical pencils and pens.

    Ugh how can they stand those, the lead is constantly breaking.

  5. Well, I personally don't think it's a matter of the parent rather that of the student. I have not ever in my life been forced to watch a graphic video like that, we are always allowed to watch out of the classroom if we don't care to see it.


    When we were watching footage on the holocaust in Sociology several people walked out of the classroom and for those who stayed it had a major impact, as that video probably would've. It is crucial that we learn the pain that is inflicted by these events while we are young so we do not do these things when we are older.

  6. I gave it a 9.5


    Click for Spoiler:

    It was overall a great episode I thought probably one of the best in Trek. The one thing that really sticks out in my mind is how they killed off Hayes, I mean what a crappy way to die he couldn't even defend himself I was hoping for something far more heroic for someone like Hayes.


    I think a lot of CG was great, especially when the Aquatic's ship was being destroyed by the anomilie that was great, also the entire weapon itself I always loved looking at all those moving parts.


    I'm glad they're starting to start using Hoshi again, all the episodes based around her are great. I think it's because she has so much strength and heart for such a little person. They probably could've done more with Mayweather.


    So other then Haye's death it was a great episode.