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Posts posted by Nemesis

  1. but that's awful...

    You don't sleep with people who are old enough to be your parents...

    It's like Ashton and Demi...

    It's wrong!!!

    Love knows no age. It knows wallet size yes but not age :waaaa:

  2. I still have another month...


    J/K... kind of...

    It's cool you go back to school a month earlier then me :)

    Hey, nemesis, I don't HAVE to go back to school! HA! from here on out, Schools other than the ones the Navy sends me to are optional. hell, I could go back to High School if I wanted to(to teach, that is), but I'm not ready to hang up the uniform yet.

    ::shrugs:: You also had to go to the same amount of school I did, though I'll probably be in University for the bulk of my 20's but thats cool :waaaa:

  3. I would date Luke cause he would be a good boyfriend he's sweet smart and is the captain of the lacross team and the swim team and he is a very caring guy I would have to say he would be a great catch to.

    A caring guy? But he slept with Marissa's mom! :waaaa:

    Have you seen Marrisa's mom? I mean come on!

  4. Well not really health issues Tina, it was because hooved animals would hurt the land that they settled on and it was a tradition that stuck. Well anyways my girlfriend is Jewish and her family practices Kosher, they aren't as strict with it as some are though <_< .


    A funny story actually, when my girlfriend came back from Isreal she had gotten my friend a shirt that said "100% Kosher" on it. We went out for breakfast there were four of us, my girlfriend, bestfriend, and another friend. Well when we were ordering our food my friend asked for a side order of bacon and the waitress gave him a strange look. One of those things you need to be there for.

  5. Do they really still teach sewing (clothing & textiles) in school?  I mean the whole course on how to choose patterns, select fabrics, finish seams, put in zippers, buttonholes  - the whole thing?  And guys take this too?


    I had no idea -

    I made cool locker organizer that was really cool! I also made a sweater :naughty: