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Posts posted by Nemesis

  1. I am now in a relationship ... and it looks long term.  I will post a pic if i get permission from my girlfriend and show you guys.


    She's 15, brunette and loads of fun..






    And how old are you? :lol:

    According to his profile he's 15.

  2. Nem, because I've been where you are and I've been where I am now.  I was so unhappy when I felt that way, I just thought maybe you were too. I guess I can decide if I want to be happy or miserable , it's up to me.  I choose to be happy and have hope for the future and hope that just maybe I made a difference in someone's life, sometime. OMG! Now I sound like Neelix :lol:

    But I am happy...

  3. nem, haven't you ever wondered why we are all here?  What is  whole thing about? I mean, we all have a certain number of years to be here. Then we are gone. I mean, this life is a very precious thing. Ever think about the term " Your Lifetime"? Your time of life.  How many years do you have?  How many do you have left? What am I supposed to be doing with these years?  Wasting them? Waiting for things to get better? Being confused. Being unhappy. Wondering why you were even born at all? I feel like I was a mistake. I shouldn't be here at all. I was told that my whole childhood. So what's my purpose here? I try to make a difference. Who's going to care when I die? Stuff like this, Nem. You can't tell me you haven't thought about any of this stuff, can you? :)

    Sure I have, I think everything was created through pure chance and cirrcumstance. This means there is no "Meaning of Life"

  4. Whenever any American tries to tease me about saying "eh" I always respond by saying "y'all don't want to be saying that" or something similar. I do believe "y'all" is to Americans what "eh" is to Canadians.

    I think thats just Texas.

    You'd be surprised at how widespread it is! LOL

    I guess their saying is just like ours up here Canuckida then :assimilated:

  5. Whenever any American tries to tease me about saying "eh" I always respond by saying "y'all don't want to be saying that" or something similar. I do believe "y'all" is to Americans what "eh" is to Canadians.

    I think thats just Texas.