
Ships Crew
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Posts posted by Cramase

  1. 2370


    Strike Team Leader, Jean Luc Picard, With His Command Crew Cosisting Of William Riker, Miles O'Brien, Tuvok, Dukat & Natasha Yar, Along With A Team Of Soldiers Infiltrate A Secrect Bunker, Commanded By Julian Bashier, In An Attempt To Destroy The Shield Generator Protecting The Genesis Star, Strong Hold Of The Tyrant, Khan Noonien Singh. 


    The Rebel Attack Fleet, Led By Kira Nerys & Tomalak Drops Out Of Warp At The Genesis Star, Just As Picard's Strike Time Is Captured On The Moon Below.



    Can They Defeat Khan & His Super Human Army And Restore Freedom To The Galaxy?







    How's That? :laugh:

    Hmmm, sounds suspiciously like Return of the Jedi with a Trek theme to me :laugh:

  2. Tell me about it, you should see the mistakes I have made cos it was late, like forgetting that Neelix left Voyager for the Talaxian colony :laugh:


    It's very nice and synchronised, congratulations on your achievement (Is there enough of them to create a universal record for the most smiley's simultaniously fighting with lightsabres? lol

  3. Stardate:21427.5



    I wondered the same thing about why they haven't perfected it but then i got thinking.Along side what CLJP said you have to remember how the Klingons think.Firing while cloaked is very sneaky and underhanded.Sounds like something the Romulans would do(and did now that I think about it :laugh: ) and the Klingons hold the Romluans to be a very dishonorable species.So they wouldn't want to be like the Romulans.

    The Romulans cannot fire while cloaked, if you are refering to the Scimitar from ST:Nemesis, you must remember that it was a secret Reman ship and so it is unlikely the Romulans would have been given the plans for the cloak (The Remans dont trust the Romulans do they? not after the way they were persecuted)

  4. Where is Shatner's career now? So far as I can tell he is just gettin minor roles in some films sometimes. I mean, was playing the guy in 'Miss Congeniality' really a good move? He looked like an idiot (sorry any Shatner fans, this is just my opinion)

  5. The 'Klingon's all catching a genetic disease that caused them to temporarily lose their ridges' explanation would be the most fitting within the Trek universe, but I believe it was purely down to the low budget of TOS that they didnt originally have them

  6. True, true, but then its Kirk isnt it? He can get away with almost anything unscathed (short of stealing starships as we well know) lol

    I thought we were talking about Picard! :assimilated:

    I was merely refering to your comment about there being three captains on board the enterprise, Kirk probably pulled a few strings back at Starfleet or something

  7. It is my belief that at every single point in time, decisions are being made - what to eat, where to go, how to get there, when to leave etc. Each one of these decisions creates an alternate reality for each possible decision, we merely live out one, while alternate versions of ourselves each choose a different decision. This all runs through one parrallel timeline, like Sliders (anyone remember that show??)

    That's exactly right, but I believe you'd also have different actions happening and so forth in addition to decissions. Also, it's parrallel reallity, not timeline as that has to do with time travel. :assimilated:

    What i meant was that all of these parrallel universes are running concurrently within the same timeframe, so it is say... Friday, January 9th 2004 in all of them

  8. In ST:FC, Geordi says he recreated the temporal rift created by the sphere. That doesn't mean they know how to create a rift to a different time perriod and place. 


    True, although that does raise an interesting question though. Surely the rift created by the sphere was designed to travel back to a specific time and place, how would re-creating it allow them to get back again?


    If you dont get what i mean, imagine entering the co-ordinates into a transporter and beaming yourself somewhere, if you then used a transporter at that location and entered the co-ordinates again, you would simply re-materialise in the same place - You justhave to imagine that the co-ordinates are the temporal rift 'settings'


    Also... If the Borg can create temporal rifts the whatever time period they want, why didnt they travel back to a time when noone would have been able to resist them??

  9. But would Picard accept promotion? surely he would remember the advice given to him by Kirk in Generations, and would he really want to leave the Enterprise? Could they force the promotion upon him? surely you cant make someone a higher rank if they dont want it...


    What i meant about the crew from different shows being put together is, each series runs through a number of years within the Trek universe. The crews have been with their shipmates this long and now they all suddenly transfer away? It's possible, but kinda dodgy I think. It would be rather convenient for them all to end up in the same place.

  10. No way, how could you exist if your father was never born? If you had a different father, that would make you a different person. If you were a different person, you would not have gone back and shot your grandfather (who isnt your grandfather anymore since you have a different father) If your 'grandfather' isnt shot, then your original father lives, and you go back to being the person you originally were. If you were the person you originally were, then you would have gone back in time and shot your grandfather..... (you get the point)


    You have to use the conventional cause-and-effect method because there is no other method to use - Every cause has an effect = Fact