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Posts posted by Cramase

  1. I like all the films, but to varying degrees. I do feel that the TNG films has lost some of the oomph that came with the TOS films, but Insurrection still comes across to me as a good film. I think it's nice to have gone away from the typical plotlines of Borg or Romulans or any other well known baddie to be launching another offensive against the federation. I do however agree with the idea that the Picard/Crusher romance idea should not have been dropped.


    Overall I would probably rate it 7/10

  2. I was stuck between the Doctor, Bashir and Bones. I dont know why but I just like Bashir for no particular reason. I do like the way Bones and Spock played off against each other, but I'm not a great TOS fan so The Doctor had to be my vote just because of how he evolved over the course of the series. and some of his one-liners are brilliant.

  3. There never being a Sisko doesn't nessecarily mean everything would fall apart, it also doesnt mean the dominion war would never happen. Say another Captain was sent to DS9. The wormhole would still likely been detected eiether by us or by them. Either way it gets re-discovered and the federation bump into the dominion. As for the state of Bajor. It would probably require a lot more time to try and recover but they are a defiant people and would almost certain recover over time.

  4. I agree that it was really great to see Tom Paris at the academy, it helps bring continuity to the whole Star Trek universe by having character's cross over. Other good examples are Dr McCoy in STTNG "Encounter at Farpoint" Visiting DS9 in VOY "Caretaker" and seeing Admiral Janeway in ST:Nemesis. They all demonstrate how the shows link together in the same universe.


    Crawled under the desk? I probably would have gone running out the room screaming like a madman. Buuuuuuut, thats just me, lol.

  5. I'm half Vulcan, half French and half human too so I know what she's going through :b-day:  :b-day: i tried Kohlinarh, it worked very well, but you have to keep going back for a booster :b-day:  :b-day:



    Erm, last time i checked three halves make one and a half. Correct me if I'm wrong (I'm 100% human so my logic isn't as perfect as everyone elses) But there are only two halves in a whole.

  6. The problem V'Ger had was that as a machine it could only think withing a logical perspective. It could not contemplate the posibility of anything that logic cannot prove exists ie. other realities, life after death, god, etc. It had to join with 'its creator' in order to evolve beyond what it had become.


    (Can anyone imagine what would have happened if it had ended up merging with Kirk or McCoy or even Spock? lol)

  7. Couldn't you just add flow regulators to the chambers to ensure that the intermix ratio is maintained? Also, you could arrange the chambers side by side so that gravity has no more effect on one than the other.


    Well... right now, the highest energy yielding reaction is antimatter/matter reaction

    Well, like you say, it's only the highest energy yielding reaction right now. Who knows what we may invent and/or discover in the next 10/20/50/100 years etc

  8. Hey, did anyone know that Robert Picardo was the voice of the 'Jonny-Cab' in "Total Recall"? It's one of those things that you would never have realised, but now you know you feel like slapping yourself in the head because its so obvious, lol.


    Also, I loved how he got that little Cameo in ST:FC. Even with just that little scene he managed to portray the Doctor's stolic personality.

  9. It was never a question of when, it was question of how. All they had to do was work out how to drop out where they wanted. The 'when they wanted' is irrelevant since at warp 10 they would be everywhere at once. And once they were home the doctor wouldn't need to cure them all himself since he would have a large number of starfleet doctors to assist him.


    I think the hull stresses on Voyager problem is the most fitting "In Story" explanation, but in reality its just as Timelady_echo said:


    cause if they got home so soon then it wouldn't be a series

  10. I think that until DS9 they were quite a 'hollow' species, we were always show that they were ruthless and murderous etc. Once DS9 came along, you got a chance to see that they aren't actually all out to kill anything they don't like and that they do have emotions and good sides etc. In a way they are victims of circumstance, although I don't condone what they did of course.