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Posts posted by jdigs

  1. Of course we are all going to say no, this is a star trek board after all..ST will be around as long as they can milk $ out of it, If you wanted a Uber question you could have asked..Will you ever stop watching star trek.

  2. It always comes back to data.. :blink:

    Wow Thats a good question..There are so many things I would want to do..I think tho to be safe I would leave history as is..but I would like to find who was on the "grassy knoll" or where Ameila Earnheart went to and maybe just go on a battle feild somewhere to shake Abe Lincolns hand. Besides that..I would all of a sudden be incredably wealthy and my family and friends would be taken care of forever.

  3. wow this was a bad debate to come late into..Cap and prometheus have made good points....as have the all powerful Soong sisters. Yes yes Data is a machine..hmm mm..he does not have a soul. If for some reason they pull some cheesy Q rescue or Romulan capture or alternate dimension shenagians it would only cheapen his "death" What proof do we actually have that he is dead! The guys a freakin robot!! he can float around till someone picks him up..But I agree with another post..Spiner is done. B4 will have to filter thru all the stuff Data has accumulated throughout his life and for that to take place in a movie would slow it down and I don't want to see Geordi fretting over his Old freind while talking to B4. As fans it is very important that we distance ourselves sometimes from the characters and try to see the story that is unfolding without adding emotional attachments. It is time for a Voyager-DS9 movie..if Paramount can warrant one..I am going to start a new thread for this question..Would a TV movie of TNG be a bad idea? check the thread.

  4. I disagree..besides maybe the Borg or other federation members breaking the prime directive, nothing made Picard more mad then Q. He wrote a lengthy report on him stating to be very weary if he or another member of the contunity should ever appear.

  5. Thx Crims! Sounds kinda like the Borg, whereas the Borg just go in and take and assimilate. You've made me less confused and I now understand..two more questions..what did The Federation do to stop,stall or resist the Dominon and why when I click on the spoiler link it says error on page?

  6. Okay I yeild. I need help :tear: ...someone please explain to me. I've been trying to understand DS9s dominon battle for some time..I always miss the ep's with the most info..I see Odo and another shapeshifter who is controlling other aliens thru one guy who calles her 'exellence' and stuff like that..I am entirely confused..what do the aliens who need white play in to it? Who won? How? I cant wait till ds9 is released in box set..then I will understand. :D

  7. This was discussed in another thread here on the board....It would make no sense for Q to all of a sudden appear on Enterprise and I agree..De Lancie has made an impact that if they brought on another Q ( Like they did on TNG and Voyager) It would not seem like the same as we have all grown accustomed to him. For Q to appear on Enterprise would alter what he said when he 1st appeard on TNG...which I believe was something like " You humans have finnaly proven interesting" THEN again..The enterprise crew have been doing interesting stuff..maybe he could do a breif cameo where only the viewer would see? would that work?

  8. The thought Police ?


    I do not believe Enterprise or Nemesis were in an alternate reality, although I support the idea, it would seem like a cop out by the writing staff..Didn't Archer see proof of the Federation when that future guy, whos name I can't remember zap him to the future?

  9. I don't think they had it easy at all..It seemed that just because the ship was always proper that we assume it was easy for them. The mental anguish alone ( Am I being over dramatic) was enough to cuz un-ease..True, Janeway did float over Prime Directive enough.

  10. I'd like to see a Voy movie..but I agree with Jean-Luc with the fact that it's going to be a mixed crew for sure..which makes it even more interesting BUT they might go the TNG route and ignore the 7 seasons of character developmnet and just have an action flicks with lil jokes here and there.