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Posts posted by jdigs

  1. If they really wanted to wow us they could pull an..oddly enough Quantam Leap idea and have 2 or 3 of the Enterprise crew..zap all over the ST timeline..and maybe instead of eps they could throw them into movie scenes?..complicated because being Star Trek something would go wrong and they could possibly be discoverd by the other characters..I would love to see them sent to the very begining of TNG when they are at Farpoint..or on DS9 when they find themselves talking to their great great great grandchildren.

  2. I actually found that whole relationship interesting. It wasen't the whole.."lets shake things up a bit" stuff they usualy try to pull..but it was refreshing to see after Troi/Riker.Worf/Jadzia silliness..I actually dido not like to see B'Elanna so.."soft" I prefered her when Janeway had to put her foot down.

  3. Ziggy and Al were the best on that show..I watched that allllll the time when I was younger..Bakula played the part well..until he ran into that evil leaper woman and it got all confusing and he started seeing his wife in dreams...I saw the last ep not to long ago..he was being thrown around different tim-lines by the "big guy" upstairs to correct various events..oddly enough the character who was along the whole way was played by Bruce McGill, more known to ST Voyager fans as Captain Braxton from both time-ship eps Relativity and Future`s End, Part I and two.

  4. " I just sent you back!.....back to the future" Yea for sure Lloyd was weird to see all made up and still acting like Lloyd. Khan definitly takes the cake for best of the bad. On the smaller screen I liked whenever The Borg Queen was inolved and Lore...wow did I dislike anything Maki or that whole Dominon story. :)

  5. For years I have been calling it the "Inconsistacies of Star Trek" :) where that one eposide totaly changes what the last ep did or that one character speaks nonsense and it somewhat makes sense and then makes you wonder later..But yea due to the large amount of programming there is bound to be little discrepancies ( Hope my Sp is right there) litterd around all the different shows. I am going to find some proof of this and get back to you all so that I'm not just blowing steam..besides all this ST still rules.

  6. Killing a main character would really be a shame..that's one of the stronger points tha ST has to offer, the vast storylines that can be conducted with each person. I think that the main reason the show might not be doing as well is because fans can't quite grasp the idea of it being in the past..I think I am repeating myself..The beauty of it being in the past is the stories they can conjure up...I WOULD LOVE to see them zapping Archer or T'pol into the future kinda like they did with DS9 and the Tribbles but have them go to TNG or even Voyager for a minute or two..yes it would be cheesy but I would love to see it! :)

  7. hehehe I just saw an ep of Wild On and they featured a breif clip of George Takei having some fun pool-side..It's always funny for me to see them out of Trek and doing other things..and to see how much grey they have in their hair.

  8. I don't think it's a "hate" thing Voyager boy..I just prefer Picard at the helm. I have over the last two years been watching much more Voyager eps and am starting to enjoy the show. Makes me wonder how Picard would have dealt with things if they had sent his ship into the delta quadrent.