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Posts posted by jdigs

  1. I already own TNG's dvds ( are you kidding!) I mis-wrote my question..I should have been more clear. Is it a possibility that Paramount will release the full 7 seasons of DS9, Tng and Voy in a box..so that we don't have to buy season 1-7 of each series..when we can just buy a box with them all?

  2. <span style='font-family:Comic Sans MS'><span style='font-size:12pt;line-height:100%'>I would just like to say a few things from my perspective:

    1) -I really liked seeing Saavik referred to as "Mister" and "Sir" - it propelled my young mind forward...

    2) -anyone notice how thee's 'sir' for guys, and 'miss' and 'ma'am' for gals? hmmm....

    3) -I think women do have more legislated rights than men (only 'cause they've been fighting for them for a hundred years, and rightly so), but men have the upper hand in society (still), and don't ANY of you deny it...

    4) -as for affirmative action, I live in Canada, and although it doesn't go under the same name, here's one scary result: I saw an ad in our local paper that read "Burger King - hiring full time at Pape and Danforth - phillipino speaking preferrred" - what the hell?!?...

    5) -discrimination is alive and well - I'm a gay white male, and I eat (I'm trying to say a bad word but can't) from EVERYBODY...

    6) -my last and most important thought: we live in a new western society, where the world has come together under the umbrella of equality for all; there may be rough spots and sore points, but will everyone please remember that this brave new world is less than 100 years old (50, if you count voting rights...); we may think of individual cases where rights have been transgressed (!) but, unlike anywhere else in the world, we as a people are trying to live in progressive harmony WITHOUT KILLING EACH OTHER - give us a century (or so) of space between now and then, and we'll be where no man has gone before - we're as young society, so everyone take a deep breath and KEEP ON TRYING!!!


    I can't say I agree with or disagree with the posting going on here..I'm going to have to think about this one..Joeybear...I too live in Canada and if I may..your point number 4 isn't really discrimination but that because we have so many different cultures and languages in Canada, sometimes it is better to hire someone who speaks phillipino when there is large phillipino crowd at that Burger King..makes things easier no? It dosen't mean they won't hire someone who dosen't speak the language..I suspect you already knew that..and I like your line "we're a young society, so everyone take a deep breath and KEEP ON TRYING!!! " Cheers.

  3. The thing that angers me about the Enterprise writers is that there are the occasional eps where they come strong out of the gate and introduce a good problem and then have the crew solve it, then the story seems to take a backseat as they find a quick way to end..perhaps it has to do with time restraints.

  4. :) I'm ashamed..I was never looking at D's hair...She was beautiful during Tng's run..I actually liked it better when she wore her hair down and for some odd reason when she started wearing the offical uniform, made her look as part of the crew.

  5. You know what..at first I was dismayed that they didn't keep with an instrumental theme like the other treks..and found I did not really enjoy the song from enterprise..but..like everything else in Trek that I did not enjoy at 1st ( i.e. B'Elanna Torres) it grew on me and now does represent humanites first jaunt into space. Thx for putting that up V-man!

  6. I am just starting out my career as a radio Dj here in Ontario, Can and have comer across many different types of music over the years..but can safely say that Alternative Rock/Heavy Metal/Modern Rock is where my heart lies..but..I do also enjoy some Enya, Dido and Jewel before she got all weird..I just genuinly love music!

  7. Well since you have been on the board for some time it doesn't seem quite right to say "Welcome" yet we never really have welcomed you. So WELCOME!


    It's always great to have another 70's Trekkie on board. I can remember well climbing under my bed to fix the engines or pretend it was a Jefferies tube.


    I look forward to some great discussione and I also look forward to the formation of the Federation in the coming years. I believe they are setting things up for the Federation now. So there will be a common defense among allys.

    The Boss man sums up my thoughts exactly..I can't wait till they begin to explore the federation and its beginings..Welcome aboard bud! :)