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Posts posted by jdigs

  1. I think no. As you move up through the ranks, the future captain would have lots of time to go on away teams. Once he hits captain, it is time to take care of the ship and the crew that is aboad her. Let your first and second officer do what they were trained to do and you sit in the center seat like a good boy and watch their backs.

    Yea that's my thoughts exactly..I knew whenever Picard left to go down to a planet..as well as Janeway something was gonna happen.

  2. Just read this on another thread from Spork for those who are interested in what happend after Voyager got home:


    Click for Spoiler:

    i enjoyed endgame as well, and was one of those people who wanted them to make it home. but like you i also had a lot of questions. but if you wait for the upcoming voyager book, titled "Homecoming" it will answer all of your questions. on the simon and schuster website: http://www.simonsays.com you can read a chapter 1 excerpt from the book. it tells us that all the maquis will be given a general pardon providing they return to starfleet. they put up the entire chapter for us to read, so take a look and alot of questions are answered in that one short teaser from the book..

  3. i enjoyed endgame as well, and was one of those people who wanted them to make it home. but like you i also had a lot of questions. but if you wait for the upcoming voyager book, titled "Homecoming" it will answer all of your questions. on the simon and schuster website: http://www.simonsays.com you can read a chapter 1 excerpt from the book. it tells us that all the maquis will be given a general pardon providing they return to starfleet. they put up the entire chapter for us to read, so take a look and alot of questions are answered in that one short teaser from the book..

    Hey man you rock! I never would have thought to look for a book! Thanks for the info :innocent:

  4. Just curious here...are their any really obvious loose ends in DS9 or Voyager that were left without any explanation? I would have mentioned TNG, but I think they've only got Data to worry about. Thoughts?

  5. Anything BUT Vulcans! I cant stand that race! so darn smug and confident all the time..Archer has more patience then me thats for sure I'd have smacked them all already. * clears throat* I think the Romulan arc should be continued I really like the way they've kinda become our allies and enemies at the same time.

  6. Thats one of the vert few eps of TOS that I've actually seen and I always watch the whole thing, I enjoy the whole emotional thing.

    Click for Spoiler:

    I just wish she didn't have to be hit by a car.




    Shatner's acting definitly was at its best in this ep. :innocent:

  7. Good question!! I liked how Guinan proved to be a mysterious character up untill Times Arrow where we finnaly discoverd how she and Picard are linked. It always drove me nuts how those two were "better then freinds" and I never knew why. I loved how she provided advice and humor to the crew and how she was automaticly not Goldberg at all but this alien who's race was dispered by the Borg. Guinan and Ten Foward were just part of what TNG so great.

  8. I tried sticking his pic on here..I STILL cant figure that out ;)


    I got Bones, to which I said "Sweet Bone's rocks"

    May he rest in peace



    jdigs, right click on the picture, select properties, then highlight the URL address with your mouse, right click and select copy. Come to your post and click on the IMG feature and paste the address and press okay.



  9. Im rather glad that the didn't make his character enter StarFleet. Having another regular, every episode talking chracter wold have made the episodes conjested. DS9 might also have had another 'Wesley Crusher' on its hands. (where Wesley is mildly headstrong only to learn the error of his ways and  the finer points of StarFleet philosophy... every... episode...) The way they did it, Jake was an intresting, refreshing character who offered a slightly different viewpoint and who never outstayed his welcome. Unlike Wesley, Jake was more grown up and never tedius.

    ahem! :wow: I liked Wesly Crusher thanks! :D But I felt that Jake was kinda given the bum rap and was only on DS9 to further point out that Sisko had family to worry about therefore making him even more less alike then the rest of Trek captains in that he has family to worry about. But yes Jake did not recieve the attention he should have.