
The Founders
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Posts posted by jdigs

  1. Did you know that they got "Q" from James Bond!?!?

    He was? So they thought that Quartermaster Major Boothrooyd's rank (Q) was cool for a Star Trek villain/confidante name? That's cool. I hope Desmond Llewelyn was happy about that. He is the greatest.


    (For those of you who don't know Bond, Desmond Llewelyn is that actor who played Q in 16 of the 20 James Bond films to date, and Major Boothroyd is the character's full name. Also the rank Q in Bond is just a shortened form of Quartermaster, someone who supplies arms.)



    Desmond Llewelyn has since passed away correct?

  2. :martok: I love this message board..I like the Q idea..I have a feeling though that because Data has become such a central figure..especialy in the end of Nemesis that if there were to be a DS9 movie that Spiner as B4 would be in it..so that the "torch" could be passed..I'n not sure I like the idea of him taking over the Enterprise just because I want to see DS9 on the bog screen..even though someone else has already mentioned that their ratings aren't good enough to merit a movie. Maybe Q can join Sisko in wherever he is and just be his pesky self..If they want to include Voyager as well they could simply play on Q's infatuation w/ Janeway.

  3. Sure it was military! There was a huge debate on this site before VBG made the change weither or not the Federation was formed beacuse of circumstance or beacause humans needed some kind of leadership. I am sure they will explain all this in Enterprise before that show has its finale and that Archer will be involved. In my opinon..if that matters at all..I think that when the human race really got into space exploration that the UESPA wasen't enough and that a more hardened organization was founded...plus I doubt they could have put up with those Vulcans any longer.

  4. Heres an idea...Maybe the borg were created by another alien race that tried to conduct experiments on humans that just backfired I agree with Gotabite & Ddillard in the theory that the experiments just turned against their creations. You know what..I actually enjoy that I don't really know anything about the Borg's creation, it really adds more to the whole mystery. Q warped Picard and crew to meet them initaly when they were still miles and miles from earth..I imagine he's know where they came from. But I think it was a nefarious scheme gone awry.

  5. Gals :martok: , are insulted far too easily, when you go through our mersey tunnel to liverpool, the sign on the pay both, used to say manned, now it says staffed, men = manned, women = womanned, what do you want!!!


    They are just getting annoyin now, women are getting more rights than men these days, equality my @$$ :angry:

    THAT'S NOT NICE :P 'gals' aren't insulted too easily. Most women probably don't care about political correctness, and its not like we get in a huff about it.

    As for 'women getting more rights than men :laugh:

    I don't think that women get more annoyed by non politicaly correctness (sp) then they used to but that they are just plainly tired of having to put up a fight. Us men ( yes yes yes..not ALL of us men) have been in control for so long that sometimes we think we can coast..whereas womean have only just started and still feel they have a long way to go..sometimes the old boy club just dosent want to die.

  6. :laugh: *sob* iT seems like just yesterday..I was posting on the board and it was just me VabeachGuy and maybe 6 other people..then we changed boards and I lost my connection..Thx for the congrats..one day I swear I will be back in the running with those Soong Sisters. :)