
Ships Crew
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Posts posted by fenriz275

  1. He had seen enough. He walked towards the door and as he turned to close it, out of the corner of his eye he caught a brief glimpse of a person in the large mirror behind the alter. And this person wasn't him. :( He rubbed his eyes then looked again and it was gone. "What tha?" He said outloud then quickly closed the door and hurried down the tunnel towards the barn.


    The door to the barn from the tunnel was in the floor of the barn. He climbed a short ladder to get to it. He pushed it open and it fell open onto the dirt floor in an empty stall. Seeing now how Addie was able to get under the house from the barn. "Good thing to know in case we're attacked." He said outloud with a chuckle.

  2. Aaron stood and watched as the three 'females' blubbered and cried. He felt himself having a slight pang behind his eyes and decided he'd better get the h*ll outa there before he started. Wouldn't be good for them to think the only male in the house was a wuss. He thought to himself.


    Wanting to investigate this tunnel Addie was talking about he went back through the cellar to the room where Addie was hiding. He hadn't taken a look in there before and wanted to see how she was surviving in there. It was a nice, cozy little space. There was a small bed and table with an oil lamp on it, he lit it. There were Star Trek magazines all over the bed and on the dirt floor. Autographed pictures of Patrick Stewart, Kate Mulgrew, Jonathon Frakes, Colm Meany, Michael Dorn and alot more lined the walls. "Yep, she's a fan alright." Aaron said to himself. He saw the other door that led to the tunnel and he opened it. It was dark. He took the lamp with him.


    He walked slowly down the dark, damp tunnel. On either side of it there were more doors. One by one he opened them and went in, investigating. There were old trunks with stickers from all over the world in one. Another room was filled with baby furniture. Cribs and cradles and tiny chairs and tables and wooden crates filled with neatly folded baby clothes. The next room he entered, puzzled him. It looked like an alter of some kind at the far end. A few long benches and a multitude of small idols and figurines. Most of which he didn't recognize. Candles were lined up on the alter and on small tables on either side. Over the alter there hung a huge mirror. As there were all around the small, dark room. Mirrors covered most of the walls.

  3. The leaf covered wet creature sloshed it's way out of the water and towards the girl who stood on the shoreline. "Whaa yu thay?" Aaron asked her. The girl repeated. "Do you need any help, Sir?" Aaron smiled and answered. " NAA, I Wath juth twyin ta git da dam wasthps offa me cuth day stung ma tung an dey won't leave me awone. Ma tung ith awl swoolen up in dere, thee." He stuck out his tongue at the girl. And she, not understanding a word he had just said about the wasps stinging his tongue and they keep chasing him, she thought he was some escapee from the mental hospital in Angola. :laugh:


    Just then came walking up to the both of them................

  4. I think it was a good end to the temporal cold war story arc, if it is over.


    Click For Spoiler
    I was great to see Enterprise finally come home.


    I always like the Star Trek episodes when a starship comes back to Earth.


    Click For Spoiler
    I am kind of sad to Silik dead, but if Daniel's is still alive then I bet we might see Silik again.


    I can't hardly wait to see what they have in store for the rest of the season. I'm really looking forward to the upcoming Brent Spiner episodes. He just looks evil in that promo doesn't he? Eww...I'm getting all antsy to see more new episodes now. :laugh:

  5. Once around the airport now. Lida began her decent towards the runway. Dropped the nose and pulled back on the throttle to slow the engine. Almost down now, the wheels touched gently on the tarmac and they rolled to a graceful stop right where they had started from in front of the hanger. Aaron opened his door and hurled on the ground.


    Aaron spent several minutes laying flat on the ground. Getting up he was a little woozy.

    "Whoa. I guess I'm not a good flyer." He said.

    "Sweetie?" Lida asked. "Are you sure you've been up in an airplane before?"

    "Just once. But I was a kid and I don't remember much." He felt his stomach lurch and ran behind a tree and emptied the rest of his breakfast on the grass.

    "Well, we'd better get you some Dramamine from the gift shop, I saw they had some in there." Lida said to him. "If we are flying up to West Bend today, your going to need it, O.K.?" Lida asked him.

    "Ok." He agreed. Inside the gift shop they found the Dramamine and some sodas. They weren't cold but they hadn't gone flat yet. They also picked up some snacks that were still edible but Aaron didn't feel like eating anything yet.

  6. "Relax. We'll just do a few circles around the airport. Ok." She reassured him.

    "Ok." He croaked and tried to clear his throat. His eyes were bugging out.

    "Calm down Sweetie, everything is fine." She said as she reached over and patted his shoulder. He was shaking like a vibrator.

    "One circle, one circle, ONE circle." He kept repeating.


    Aaron sat in his seat and concentrated on breathing. He looked out of the window and saw bird's flying underneath the plane. Lida heard him make a gulping sound.

    "O.K., One circle, then we'll land, alright?" Lida assured him. Lida banked left and pushed the yolk forward. Aaron thought they were "GOING DOWN" for sure.

    "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?? He yelled.

    "Nothing Sweetie, just want to get a closer look at the area." She answered. "Will you Please relax?" She said.


    Aaron tried to distract himself. He sang showtunes in his head but he kept forgetting the words. He looked out again and felt his lunch coming up. He gulped and stared down at his feet. He relaced his shoes in his mind and tried to ignore the sound of air rushing by the tiny plane.

  7. Rating Information


    Paranoid: Low

    Schizoid: Low

    Schizotypal: Low

    Antisocial: Low

    Borderline: Low

    Histrionic: Low

    Narcissistic: Low

    Avoidant: Low

    Dependent: Low

    Obsessive-Compulsive: Low



    Hmph... even when I try to sound messed up I get those answers :eek:


    Wow. :laugh: You're so uncrazy you're nuts! :laugh::laugh:

  8. Paranoid: Moderate

    Schizoid: High

    Schizotypal: Moderate

    Antisocial: Low

    Borderline: Low

    Histrionic: Low

    Narcissistic: Moderate

    Avoidant: High

    Dependent: Moderate

    Obsessive-Compulsive: Moderate


    Ok. I'm not sure how accurate this is. And yea it was a brief test to try and determine all of these factors. Still I am fruity as a nutcake :goof:

  9. The mud was doing it's thing and the stinging was starting to let up. "Welm. I bedder go tae care ob dat wap ness." Aaron tried to say.

    "They stung you on your tongue too didn't they." Lida asked.

    "Yef." Aaron mumbles.

    "I guess you could chew on some mud." Lida suggested.

    "Dats OK." Aaron said. Getting up he went to the door. Taking a deep breath he went outside. Heading for the barn he was wondering what he might find that would help him deal with the wasp nest. He remembered watching a show on TV once about beekeepers. They used smoke to control their bees. Inside the barn Aaron found an axe handle. Wrapping some straw around it with some twine he lit it, it started smoking nicely.

    "Les see you 'ting me noo you basters." Aaron said as he set off for the out house.


    Inside the kitchen Lida was looking through the cupboards. She glanced out the window and saw Aaron running across the yard again. He was yelling and swinging his arms around the air as wasps were dive bombing him, running like his pants were on fire. Then she noticed a trail of smoke was coming from his britches. Opening the back door she watched the wasps chase him into the lake again. Peeking up from underneath the water he had soggy leaves in his hair, but his pants were dowsed. "Idiot." She laughed and went back inside.


    Wasps: 2

    Aaron: 0 :laugh:

  10. While Lida inspected the inside of the house Aaron decided it would be a good idea for him to have a look around outside. He wasn't sure exactly what an Amish farm had in the way of farm equipment but there was no time like the present to find out. Walking inside the large barn he looked around. Along one of the walls he saw work benches and a large quantity of hand tools. All of the stalls were empty. The horses and other livestock were outside grazing in the fields. It wa fortunate that the previous owners of the farm had left the animals out, they would have starved to death by now if they hadn't. Making a circuit of the other buildings Aaron came across an outhouse. "Well. I might as well see if it works." He said.




    Sitting down inside he saw a book on a little shelf beside him. "Hmm. The complete works of Shakespeare. This must be a high-brow toilet." He laughed. Thumbing through the pages Aaron stopped when he heard a buzzing sound. Looking around he spotted the wasp's nest in a corner near the roof. "Aw crap." Aaron was now in a desperate race to finish before the wasp's noticed their intruder. A few seconds later Aaron was opening the door and pulling his pants up in one motion when the wasps attacked. A few seconds after that Lida looked out of the kitchen window and saw Aaron running across the yard, holding his pants up with one hand and wildly swinging at the air with the other. His screaming startled the cows, who chewed their cud and watched from the field. :laugh:

  11. "Check the static air source." Lida says.

    "Which one is that?" Aaron asks. She points. While he looks inside it Lida checks the fuel tank vent.

    "Looks good. Now the stall warning vent and the pilot tube cover." After that they check the flaps and the ailerons.


    "Is there anything left on the list?" Aaron asks.

    "Nope, everything checks out just fine. You ready to take off now Aaron? Do a little spin around the airport then land again? But you do know if we do, we have to do a check when we land then again before we take off again. I hope you realize that." She told him.

    "Well I suppose practice makes perfect." He said. They laughed.

  12. Aaron screws the cap back on and hops down.

    "Now we have to check the engine and the oil." They walk around to the front of the plane. They inspect the engine cover, satisfied it's good they open it and check the oil. Lida pulls out the strainer drain knob and let's the plane take a "leak."


    "Okay. The oil looks good." She says.

    "Check the propeller." Aaron takes a look at the propeller. "Looks good."

    "Good." Lida says. "Now check the exhaust pipe. Is it loose?" Giving it a tug Aaron answers. "Nope it's fine."

    Lida checks the alternator belt and then closes the engine cover. She checks the nose wheel while Aaron undoes the front tie down.

  13. Lida climbed in on the pilot's side, Aaron in the passenger's side. They left the doors open as they searched the inside for the flight manual. Lida had put the lizards in the back on the floor since it was only a two seater. Aaron searched around, reaching under his seat he felt around. Someone had left a jacket in the back, it made a comfortable bed for them.


    "I found it" Lida said.

    She opened it and showed it to Aaron.

    "We have to go down this list before we take off, Aaron. We can't skip anything. This is very important.O.K.?" She said.

    "That's a long checklist." Aaron said."Are we going to get off the ground today?"

    Lida laughed and said. "Sure just take us about HMM, an hour or two, it's been a while you know but we can do this." She told him.


    "Alright, now first we have to remove the wheel lock." Lida struggles with it until Aaron reaches over and pulls the block free.

    "Alright. Let me see here. It says we should check for bullet holes. Holy crap! Did they write this thing in Beirut!" Aaron said looking over the list. "Well I don't see any, what's next?"

    "Well, next we have to get the paint stick and put the wheel lock in the pocket behind my seat." She does this by herself.

    "Now, we have to make sure the ignition switch is OFF. The magnetos will be active if we don't and any movement of the prop will start the engine and we don't want that now do we?" She said.

  14. I've found that a lot of those "neat and free" things on the internet aren't so neat after all. Smiley Central screwed up my computer too. I guess I'll just have to read the entire EULAs from now on. :P


    I liked some of those smileys too. :) I wonder if a person could make their own? :(

  15. Finally a monkey. :P


    I looked at the title of this thread and came in here yesterday all excited to see chimps and what to I get? Physics. :( More monkeys. They know how to stage a good debate. If you disagree with someone hit him with a turd and then laugh and point. That's a discussion I can respect. :(




    ^---That's how I do my thinking too :) :)

  16. Ruminating huh? I'll have to ponder that for a while. :(


    My problems ate the grid I kept them in so now they just chase after me like the Blob and I'm Kevin Dillon, or Steve McQueen, yea McQueen he's cooler :) . Either way I'm being chased by a glob of carnivourous goop. I know it used to be giant rubber monster suit but I've gone over budget so I had to make some cuts in the effects department. :P

  17. Some place with US juristiction. Kinda obvious with the criminal women and the US!! marshal. Why would a US marshal take a person who is going to be tried under US!! law to wang yong tong japan or ching hung yong china?


    Good point! I totally missed that one. I suppose they could have been going somewhere to catch a connecting flight but the Marshal was going back to the US. This is one of those times when I smack myself in the head and go "DUH!" Ow. My head hurts. :( :)

  18. That's a good question. Section 31 might have been waiting to see what the parasites were up to when the Enterprise stumpled onto them. Section 31 probably put it's own plan on hold to wait and see how things panned out.


    This is kind of off topic but I think it would be interesting to see the origins of Section 31 on Enterprise. Section 31 was part of the original Federation charter, I believe.