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Posts posted by removed

  1. :DAs a CAnadian i will not buy it.. but not because its american but because i do not drink Brown Pop and i agree with u.. even ur sister Country has feelings about what is right and wrong!! Stupid Pepsi Corp!!





    U got My Support!!

    :) Besides, everyone knows that Coke is the Real Thing! :)

    ya. i agree. coke is the best. I'm Canadian as well and i think that a corporation should not be trying to profit off of a tragedy. just my thoughts on this subject.

  2. I think that a good way to revitalize the series is to do something very unexpected. ie. the death of Archer, maybe the death of T'Pol and possibly even the destruction of the Enterprise and the introduction of a new one (if that won't be in contrast with Star Trek facts),



    Please tell me your joking?


    Ok. I am composed again. Truth be told, there are some good reasons to do at least a couple of the atrocities you mention but I believe now or in the not to distant future, would not be good timing.... hmm as I wrote that, new ideas formed which suggest you might be on to something after all. Hmm...

    aw! please tell me your ideas! lol. i just think that the show needs to really do something drastic to take viewers by surprise and keep that thing a close guarded secret so that when we watch it we dont already know what will happen.

  3. the DVD is going to have deleted scenes so i think it will make more sense to people, and more true to the stuff that leaked out before it's release

    Nemesis DVD news

    I thought maybe i would like the DVD better. However I was reading STM and Berman said the first DVD will be flat format. Later they will bring out the all singing all dancing one. He then went on to say that they are not sure about a directors cut DVD as neither he or Stuart Baird are fond of them. I say it doesn't matter what they like,it's what we the fans want that matters.

    i was hoping that they would release a 2-disc special edition just like the others right when it came out. i dont want to wait.

  4. Hes an Ex-Drug addict.. lol

    my neighbour yelled at me when i said i hated bush.. cuz shes very godly and she says he goes to church all the time.. *eek*

    meh.. poor poor america... didn't my prime minister call him an



    well bush only goes to hurch all the time cause he was born in the bible states. hes not showing very Christian ideals. lol. and, no Jean Cretien didn't call him an idiot. it was one of his MPs. but Cretien is finally starting to stand up for Canada. he said that bush is going to far and it is getting out of hand. lol. yaaaay! go CANADA!


    Ps. (notice how i didn't capitalize bush's name but i did for all the Canada related stuff. Bush doesn't deserve a capital. Lol.)

  5. It is more oil then it is anything. Sure there is are a SMALL AMOUNT of respectable reasons to go to war but not enough. The bigger threat is coming from North Korea and is growing in Iran. Those people have worse weapons then Iraq. We all need to sign a peace treaty. War will get us nowhere but dead.

    Again, please look at the history leading up to WWII, a peace treaty will do nothing, it is Saddam Hussien, the same man who rapes, uses biological weapons on and kills his own people, and 12 years ago steam-rolled his way through Kuwait.

    Yes, I know the history leading up to WWII, and yes Saddam needs to be dealt with, but not in a violent way. I just think that Bush is going a bit too far. Oh, and most of the USA's oil comes from my beloved country of Canada, so they have to pay for it, but if the US was to seize Iraq, they could have all the free oil they could ever want. Also, this whole UN thing is to destroy weapons of mass destruction, it is not about regime change. That is not the purpose and if Bush does it, it will be unjustified. He will be literaly invading another country. Just my opinion.

  6. Hi. I'm bysty. I live in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada and I am 16 years old. I am currently in grade 10. I've watched Star Trek all my life. However, I am not a Star Trek junkie (no offense intended) and I'm not a nerd (once again no offense intended). I like to hang out with my friends, golf, snowboard, listen to music (mainly punk rock and classic rock) and go to parties. I'm a regular kid and my life does not, by all means, revolve around Star Trek. It is only a part of my private life. I'm kind of self-consious so I don't like telling people I like Star Trek because I'm afraid they'll call me a nerd. I also love cars. My favorites are the Aston Martin V12 Vanquish and the Porsche 911 Turbo GT2. Well, thanks for your time in reading my post. That's all I have to say.

  7. My Star Trek story isn't a plot or an episode outline, it's just my fondest memories of Trek.


    I remember back when I was in kindergarten (I'm currently in grade 10) and I used to watch Star Trek: The Next Generation all the time. Geordi LaForge was my greatest hero. Even in my grade 2 school photo, I am wearing a Star Trek sweatshirt with a big picture of Data on it. Those were the days. I remember how sad I was when they cancelled TNG back in 1993. I was devestated. I continued to watch the re-runs until about grade 3. Then I forgot about Star Trek. I watched Star Wars and James Bond for years. Personally, I like James Bond over Star Trek, but that's off-topic. I continued to watch the TNG movies when they were released and really enjoyed them but it never really rekindled my interest in Trek. Then about a year and a half ago, I began to watch TNG again. I really took a shine to it once again. Then, one day, being really bored, I opened a book I had bought years ago at a garage sale but had never read: Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan (the novelization). I loved it. I started to watch the movies. I had never seen the TOS movies, but I started to buy them, starting with ST II. I have ST II, III, and IV now and I am continuing to buy them. Over the years Star Trek has been great to me. I am fascinated by the concepts, storylines, and characters that the Star Trek universe evolves around. Without Star Trek, I would have grown up as a different person. Thanks Star Trek.

  8. Captain Janeway.  I bet she could beat up Picard in a nanosecond (not that I dislike Picard, I just think that Janeway's pretty tough). :D

    No way. Picard has way better tactics then Janeway. Janeway seems to act without thinking while Picard is always absolutely sure of his strategies. Picard is my favorite captain and I couldn't bear to watch him get beat up. Lol. I do think that they should make a ST:XI and have Picard dying. All the crew could get back together again because of that and Picard, just before he dies, could pass the Enterprise onto Riker again. He would have to accept. It has to be near the beginning too or the movie would be really boring. It would be sad yet a real asset to the series especially since Stewart wants out.

  9. I think that a good way to revitalize the series is to do something very unexpected. ie. the death of Archer, maybe the death of T'Pol and possibly even the destruction of the Enterprise and the introduction of a new one (if that won't be in contrast with Star Trek facts),


    i do NOT want to go to war AT ALL.. honestly in my opinion Bush is an IDIOT.. but then agian we can not have another Pearl harbour Tragedy... so i guess in a way hes smart..

    I agree with Bush being an idiot but not the whole 'Pearl Harbour' thing. It is more oil then it is anything. Sure there is are a SMALL AMOUNT of respectable reasons to go to war but not enough. The bigger threat is coming from North Korea and is growing in Iran. Those people have worse weapons then Iraq. We all need to sign a peace treaty. War will get us nowhere but dead.

  11. Does anyone know if they are going to release the TNG movies in the same format as the original cast movies. That would be great. I love the releases so far and the TNG films are worth buying in the same format. Also, is ST:MP SE ever going to be released with the same packaging as the rest of them? That would be cool too. I like for my movies to match. Lol. :D

  12. I just finished watching STIV for the first time ever and I think that the music sounded really bad compared to STII. It sounded like very little attention was payed to that part and that the music wasn't important. I notice and appreciate movie music and I thought this was just bad. In STII the music was outstanding. Did anyone else notice this?

  13. I'd have to agree. I thought the movie was good for a non-Star Trek movie but it wasn't that great for a Star Trek movie. I agree with the lacking of Star Trek spirit. I didn't think that enough attention was shown towards the character's personalities. They all felt wrong. Well, that's all I have to say for now.