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Posts posted by removed

  1. Nooooooo!!! WE NEED TNG!!!


    Have Picard summon everyone together because he is dying and right before he dies, give the Enterprise to Riker. He wouldn't be able to refuse. Then something crazy could happen and they could go on a mission. They could have a couple of Voyager crew members to fill in some empty spaces, and they could stop off at DS9 on the way, but I don't think an entirely mixed cast movie is such a great idea.


    PS. Yay!!! 50th Post. :D

  2. they are doing the same thing every movie company does though. they release the standard dvd and then a while later the special edition dvd. the one i was happy about was lotr because they told us that there was an extended edition to be released.

  3. For me, the end of this series had better be a launching pad for a trilogy (at least) of films that are not put together willy-nilly but are carefully crafted masterpieces. If they can do that, I would probably consider my appetite for ENT appeased, and could begin looking forward to the next project on the horizon. 

    that would be a great re-vitalizing factor for star trek. plus, release them like lotr with one every year (just film all three in advance). actually even if they dont it will kick *buttocks*

  4. I've actually never heard this in the series, but on the old board I came across Vulcan One's Quote of the Day which read:


    (ST-TNG The Naked Now)Data quoting a limerick to Picard               

    "There once was a young lady from Venus' date='

      whose body was shaped like a ...."

                  "Capt. Picard to Security!"[/quote']


    That's good stuff. Lol.

  5. well Roddenberry really tried to relay the mesaages of the faults of our society today in Star Trek. That has sort of died off with the spin-offs. It is still existent but not so much as Gene had intended it to be.

    Very true. They need to get some of the old writers back that worked on TNG,can't remember their names off the top of my head but i know a lot of them are no longer involved with ST. I Borg was a brilliant episode,and the Data episode "Measure of a Man" was absolutely outstanding. ST at it's best most definately. They just don't write 'em like that anymore,more's the pity.

    i agree completely. they need more stories which go deep into the topics, not just skim on the edge like so many of the new ones do.

  6. I would Guess that star fleet is a military just because how they handle things.. yeah they have ranks, uniforms and whoever joins has to obey THEIR laws.. and how they fight.. they assume attack formations like an army.. they have special intelligence.. like armies... Admirals*ranks*... they have Bases all over.. THEY SAY ITS NOT A MILITARY!!! wow they need to re-do things..

    i think its Half Military Half Exploration!!!!

    It is the futuristic version of a military. Who says that a military will mean the same thing it does now in the 23rd century and forward? There may be a whole new meaning to the word. It is a military, but not in the conventional sense of the word.

  7. ahh!!!!! your right!!!! let me start over. lol. :D




    Here's a little game originally posted by Vulcan One on the old forums which we can continue on here.


    Ok, I just got an idea for game for everyone.

    The rules are simple, post a quote realated to the one before it.  Please put which movie it is from, and who said it. Also, dont post twice in a row , that would take the fun out of the game. Please use only movie quotes, because some people might noit be familiar with other series (ex. DS9)


    I think I'll start with one of my favorite quotes:


    "A British tar is a soaring soul, as free as a mountain

    bird, his energetic fist should be ready to resist a dictatorial word!"


    --Jean-Luc Picard - Star Trek: Insurrection



  8. In the STIV:TVH DVD there is a featurette on time travel. It says that travel into the future is principally possible, but they don't say anything on travel to the past. I know that it is theoretically impossible to travel back in time, but do any of you think that this will ever be possible?

  9. Here's a little game originally posted by Vulcan One on the old forums which we can continue on here.


    Ok, I just got an idea for game for everyone.

    The rules are simple, post a quote realated to the one before it.  Please put which movie it is from, and who said it. Also, dont post twice in a row , that would take the fun out of the game. Please use only movie quotes, because some people might noit be familiar with other series (ex. DS9)


    I think I'll start with one of my favorite quotes:


    "A British tar is a soaring soul, as free as a mountain

    bird, his energetic fist should be ready to resist a dictatorial word!"

    --Data - Star Trek: Insurrection

  10. 'I, Borg' is one of my favorite episodes ever. It was so in tune with Roddenberry's ideals. I thought that it was an extremely well done episode and that Hugh the Borg was really important to establish that the Borg are not just monsters to be destroyed, they used to be living beings as well and they cannot just be dealt with in an inhumane fashion. Kudos to the writers.