
The Founders
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  1. lol. i AM the younger generation. i'm only 16. i just have a more mature sense of film. i dont like the pure escapism movies like xXx or spiderman. i think a movie really has to have a meaning for me to like it. if its going to be escapism, be a comedy, not any other genre. if a movie is pointless, i will not enjoy it. im in a class at school where i get to make my own movies, and mine are always more meaningful then the rest. i have higher expectations of films then most people my age.

  2. TV Guide Online posted this as suggestions to help Enterprise:




    1 MAKE IT OMINOUS It's cold and dark in space. Enterprise needs real peril, dread and fear so that characters are tested to within an inch of their lives. Introduce a chilling, powerful, wholly original threat that can't be vanquished in an hour. The Suliban aren't bad, but they're no Borg.


    2 MAKE IT MORE REAL Let the crew make grave mistakes. Let them argue and be driven by less-than-moral impulses. Let the phaser beams rip through metal and bone. And let there be dangling emotional threads that weave through the lives of these otherwise bland characters.


    3 LET CAPTAIN ARCHER BE HEROIC As written, Scott Bakula has as much commanding presence as Cap'n Crunch. Archer, like his beagle, is benign and a little too cute. He has an annoying tendency to second-guess, which trickles down to the rest of his whiny crew. Either light a fire under this laconic guy or kill him in a blaze of glory that explains why starships, planets and star systems should one day be named Archer. (And while you're at it, take out that annoying Ensign Hoshi with him.)


    4 OPEN FIRE AND CLOSE THOSE PIE HOLES Enterprise should expand our belief about what is possible and transport us to realms unimagined with its ideas. But if it can't also be packed with action and adventure, move it to Lifetime. We're weary of the endless Trek babble on the bridge, the shuttlecraft, the crew quarters. Enough!


    5 GET US ON THE EDGE OF OUR SEATS You shouldn't be able to figure out what the general direction and ending of any given episode is by the first 12 minutes. "Oh, here's where Hoshi overcomes her fear of failure..." "Well, it looks like Trip and that belligerent alien are going to work together to save both their hides..." Why not try some longer, unpredictable story arcs? Cliff-hangers, big and small, give a series purpose, poignancy and punch. Make us miss you this summer.


    What do you people think?

  3. Regarding the feature film future for Trek, Berman says, "I doubt because our box office fell off on 'Nemesis' that it's going to be the end of Star Trek films. I can't imagine numerous other movies won't occur." He suggests that one tempting scenario is combining characters from the various series in one grand adventure. "There are a lot of interesting possibilities," he says.


    Despite gloomy projections by some regarding the franchise's health, Braga remains optimistic. "It's come this far, and it ain't goin' anywhere," he says.


    This is good news. The top guys are seemingly not giving up hope just yet. I sure am glad to hear this for a change.

  4. Pulp Fiction, M***** F******, I love that movie, just a bunch of Gangstas doing Gangsta s***, and Royal Tannenbaums. :D oh and Star Wars

    :D  :devil:

    i love star wars and the royal tennenbaums (i thought it was great even though most people i know dont) but im not really a fan of pulp fiction. it was just too gritty. my thing is really more james bond. That's why I have Timothy Dalton for my picture thingy.


  5. I really say let's just wait and see how they do it, i don't think they would do it unless they thought they could pull it off, unless B&B have given up and now trying to fail :D , but anyway let's just wait and see.

    alright. do you know when it airs?