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Posts posted by removed

  1. are you sure thats really movie material though? it seems fitting for a ds9 spin-off, but not a movie. i think for a movie we really want the familiar material (ie. tos, tng) so if we are going for a ds9 movie, lets actually use ds9. it could turn out really well

  2. its not the stories that are boring, its just that they seem to use the same stories over and over. t'pol has had a personal crisis quite alot and trip has been trapped on an alien planet often. i just need some more variety. but, i still like the show.


    ps. woo-hoo! 100th post

  3. even though he was supposed to act this way in nemesis, when brent spiner was b4 it just seemed really dumb. i geuss he was dumb but his below average intellect seemed out of place with all these intellegent space people. lol

    Awww u hated B4... [/color]

    i dont hate b4, i just thought he felt out of place with all the highly intellectual people on the enterprise. any character brent spiner plays is cool. even that creepy scientist in independence day.

  4. Seems that the votes are in favour for a Star Trek XI in the poll i made recentely.


    Here's a place to put your storylines.


    My ideal story:


    At the beginning, the entire TNG crew is summoned together because Picard is ill and is dying. Before he dies, Picard hands down the Enterprise to Riker, who accepts for his beloved captain. On their way home, the crew responds to a distress call and is ambushed by the Borg. The Borg tell them that they can bring Picard back to life by re-attaching his Borg implants. Riker must make a moral difficult moral decision whether or not to save the captain or not. The rest writes itself with emotional turmoil, and Borg battles. Yay! :D


    OR, if not Borg, have the enemies as Romulans and work in the Nemesis peace talks story line somehow. We need continuity.

  5. I love TNG and this is really, really hard to say, but after watching a few episodes of Enterprise lately, I think that they would make a good crew. It would have to be a really great, really original plot for me to like it though because I'm still sad over TNG.


    I AGREE!!! Data was the best! I was soooooooo mad! i didnt think the death of the enterprise was that sad. i thought the death of spock was though. i almost cried there.


    but as for b4, i think that might be really stupid. i thought that star trek III was really stupid in the way that spock was reborn. this wouldnt be as bad but id still think it was corny

  7. OMG the writers SUCK!!

    In that Episode umm  'Q Who' Some one said its Not over and when Picard and Guinun were talking it was started that The Borg WILL come for them onyl because they NOW know that they exsist..

    Enterprise really has to think of the beggingings of species but NOT the BORG its just STUPID cuz then they would have encountered Kirk....



    -Laur :D

    first of all, yes first contact may have messed with the timeline, but if archer and crew had seen the borg, it would have been documented. the borg would have been recorded and it would have been a know species when picard was introduced to them. but i could very well be wrong. these time travel paradoxes are not my cup of tea, so to speak.

  8. World Champion Tampa Bay Buccaneers


    Just a little question. How can an NFL team be a world champion. The NFL consists of only US teams. And same with baseball -- the World Series. Maybe if multiple countries from around the world were part of the league. It's just incorrect, that's all.


    Just nit-picking. Lol. Anyways, welcome to the boards and I hope you have a great time. I sure do.

  9. Also I thought that the First Contact score was really good. Insurrection was okay, but not as good as the First Contact and Nemesis. I haven't seen Generations in years so I can't remember.


    The Original movies have great music too. They have sort of a Star Wars type sound. I like them.


    All in all, Star Trek films have excellent music scores.