
The Founders
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Posts posted by removed

  1. Living in Alberta, Canada, Vegas literally IS a whole country away. Lol. I wish I could go to Star Trek: The Experience especially since rumours are rising that it may be shutting down. I would also love to go see Star Trek: The Adventure. It's just impractical since I am only 16. I, too, cannot wait to see your pictures.

  2. I personally thought that Nemesis wasn't that bad. It wasn't great either. But one thing is for sure, the music score was incredible. Just listening to it gave me chills. Download "Final Flight" or buy the soundtrack to refresh your memory. C'est superbe!

  3. This was never in Trek, but it's about Trek:


    Q: What did Picard say when he saw Worf on the toilet?




    Ya I know it was corny but I thought it was funny when I first heard it.

    And I'm sorry about this whole vulgar humour trend I have going with the last to posts in this thread. Lol. Sorry if I offended anyone.


  4. Did you know that they got "Q" from James Bond!?!?

    He was? So they thought that Quartermaster Major Boothrooyd's rank (Q) was cool for a Star Trek villain/confidante name? That's cool. I hope Desmond Llewelyn was happy about that. He is the greatest.


    (For those of you who don't know Bond, Desmond Llewelyn is that actor who played Q in 16 of the 20 James Bond films to date, and Major Boothroyd is the character's full name. Also the rank Q in Bond is just a shortened form of Quartermaster, someone who supplies arms.)



  5. im shy of my star trek fondness. lol. ive got lots of friends and im fairly popular but nobody really knows that im shy. usually im seen as outgoing and fun, but only around people i know. around strangers i kind of stiffen up. lol. thats why i like discussing trek here. i would be way too shy to say it out loud to people. lol.

  6. I may be the future but they will not create new meanings for words.. they still teach history ... what they gonna say.. Oh and then Us Military Killed/stormed/attacked this place.. and a kid saying oh but its peaceful.. lol nuh uh..


    but yeah a Futureistic Military ... just they some home don't call it that..


    -Laur :D

    ya i guess

  7. even though he was supposed to act this way in nemesis, when brent spiner was b4 it just seemed really dumb. i geuss he was dumb but his below average intellect seemed out of place with all these intellegent space people. lol