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Posts posted by archerfan

  1. I thought this was a great episode. Larian was a well written and acted character regardless of who his parents were and wether you like the match between his parents. I say to the anti- romance fans, this doesn't mean a romance between Trip and T'pol will be inevitable, a considerable focus of the show, or even develop in the near future. Don't let it discourage you TUH. IMO I wouldn't mind a relationship developing slowly. I like chemistry between Trip and T'pol. I certainly would want ENT cancelled because of that! Anyway, the show was great. It flew by felt like it was only 30 minutes instead of an hour. I like how all the characters seem to be appearing in more shows than in the past and the snippets of Trekology are great too. Looking forward to next week, I gave it a 9.5.

  2. mines linked below....recognise it?



    Yes, I recognize the Vulcan as being


    Click For Spoiler
    T'Pols son, (possibly Trips or Archers as well by the looks of him) as shown in scenes from the next episode last night.



    My wallpaper is a picture of my daughter.

  3. I wonder if UPN takes into consideration that ENT is running against AI and that is why the rating are so horrible. Do they really think another program is going to do better? As long as AI is airing it is going to get a huge share of the ratings period. I should hope UPN knows this and leaves ENT alone. I will call the number and let them know I enjoyed the show last night. THANKS Moulinrouge!

  4. 1.  Blowing it up was an extremely stupid idea since they should've assumed the Xindi would have kind of system to verify such an event.  They should've sent down a landing party to take over the station or something.


    I don't' believe blowing up the lunar station was stupid. It was necessary to buy more time. I believe Enterprise was scanned by the lunar station before they even new it was there. Even if Enterprise wasn't scanned first it would of been difficult to take over the station with out a message being sent warning the xindi command of it's presence.

  5. I enjoyed Signs. I saw it in the theatre. It was really creepy and I thought the scariest part was when the aliens were crawling all over the house and then found a way into the basement. I thought it was entertaing and I really loved the family. Mel Gibson has always been a favorite of mine.

  6. I think they'll send Enterprise home all battered and bruised and just have it repaired.  They don't have a newer version to upgrade to yet and don't forget that the NX-01 hasn't even been launched yet.

    Captain Archer could be the one to launch NX-02 (which i am assuming you are referring to). It has been almost 4 years since the launch of NX-01. I can't imagine it not having any improved systems and upgrades that have been developed over the last few years.

  7. I believe a break would probably be a good thing after ENT runs it course. I also think that there will be a break with the movies as well. However I don't think this will in anyway cause people to loose interest. If anything, after such a break people will be lining up around the block for a new movie and clamoring for the start of the next series. Look at how long the break was between TOS and TNG, I don't think anyone lost interest. IMO a lot of fans have just gotten spoiled with the back to back to back series and the just don't appreciate it anymore. I would like tptb to spend a few years working really hard on an intelligent, inventive series. Something that really blows us all away. That would be well worth any wait we will have to endure.

  8. I thought that image on the Enterprise J was actually a historical picture of an older Enterprise. I have never been one to pick up on the subtle nuances of the different ships very quickly. After seeing the pic again here it seems the design is closer to the NX-01 than the later ships like in TNG. On the other hand I think it is really cool looking. I like the way the nacelles strike out at a dramatic angle. It's not unlikely that they designed the Enterprise J after older ships.Taking older elements and combining them with modern design. It happens all the time with cars so why not starships.


    Oh sorry, I voted for perhaps.. As long as it can be intelligently worked into a good story I would love to see it again.

  9. I absolutely loved this episode. Very exciting. I gave it a 9.5. And to think I was upset that they left that cliffhanger at the end not knowing there was going to be a 7 week break! Arrrggh!!!! That is so bootie!!! I can't believe they are even considering cancelling the show. If only UPN and TPTB would stop attacking our poor Enterprise like the Xindi did last night. I had a weird feeling of sorrow while watching those scenes and felt it parodied reality in a weird way. They wouldn't know a good thing if it bit them in the *buttocks*. Besides if Enterprise is so bad then why do they show it twice and week anyway? Maybe because UPN sucks and the best show they have is ENT!!! :dude: Anyway, I don't know where that came from B), sorry..It's not healthy to hold it in. Long story short, I loved the episode and I love the show!

  10. I loved the Reed/Hayes fight. I was secretly hoping that Capt. Archer would have appeared while they were dukeing it out. I must say though I was just as happy watching Archer chew them out in his quarters. I love the Reed/Hayes dynamic and I am finally getting some enjoyment out of the addition of the MACOs.

  11. I downloaded the DIVX-Codec because the avi files I downloaded wouldn't play. They still didn't play! :P . I was trying to download the last 2 episodes of sex and the city. Maybe the files themselves were no good.Oh well.. I am home now and back to my 24 - 26k dial-up so I wont be downloading anything anytime soon. Thanks for all the info VBG!