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Posts posted by archerfan

  1. Does anyone remember and old kids movie called 'Cloak and Dagger'. It had the kid from ET in it. Anyway I was talking in another post about how I'm trying to collect all the old movies I like when I was a kid.( I was born in 1975) My 10 yr old niece and 9 yr old nephew have been watching these old movies with me and they love them. Do you think I should buy this one for my collection?


    I thought it was a really cool movie. It seemed suspenseful when I was a kid and it was cool because everyone was after this kid. I remember the old couple trying to kill him. The guy that was his friend was in 9-5. Dabney Coleman I think it is.


    Anyway, did anyone else like it?


    Just curious.....

  2. Yes, I have the first one on DVD, The second one is like a bad t.v. movie. I consider the first one a classic. (for my generation, I was born in 75.) I have started collecting all the movies that i loved when i was a kid. My niece and nephew stay with me for a couple weeks atleast twice a year and we watch all these old movies. They are 9 and 10 and they love all my movies. Some of them that they really loved were:


    Goonies: They watched this movies 3x in a row.

    Star Wars Tril

    Indiana Jones Tril

    Back to the Fut Tril

    Ferris Buellers Day OFf

    The Princess Bride: My niece adores this one.

    Better off Dead

    The Karate Kid

    The Black stallion

    Girls Just wanna have Fun

    I have a lot more that I cant remember right now.


    Anyway they liked the Neverending Story.

  3. Personally I think that it's unfair to have tribe members that were voted off return. This is a game of strategy. Most of the people that have already been voted off deserved to be voted off because they didn't know how to get along with people and there going to get voted off again. I will say one thing though, thank you, thank you, thank you that Osten is gone. That guy is the biggest (and I mean that literally) baby I have ever seen.

  4. I've already asked this question in the episode spotlight but I wanted to throw it out there again.


    If the Xindi home world was destroyed by a civil war, and the descendents of the survivors are scattered through out the Expanse, than what world do Humans destroy in the future? Do they destroy the Expanse itself? I was under the impression that the Xindi believe Humans destroy a planet.


    What is your Theory?

  5. Wow! :lol: The best episode this season. Visually the eps just blew me away. I was truly riveted to the screen.


    Click for Spoiler:

    I do have a few questions that I would love everyones thoughts on. If the Xindi home world was destroyed by a civil war, and the descendents of the survivors are scattered through out the Expanse, than what world do Humans destroy in the future? Do they destroy the Expanse itself? I was under the impression that the Xindi believe Humans destroy a planet.


    The 6th Xindi species, were they birdlike? It is mentioned that they once filled the skies of the Xindi homeworld.


    The bio-tech rifle was one of the coolest weapons I have seen. I really enjoyed the interaction between Trip and Phlox. It's nice to see them working on a project together. At least now they have a chance of defeating the reptilians.



    I will give this episode a 9/10.


    I've added to this post. I didn't realize it at first but I lost some stuff when I added the Spoiler feature....

  6. I voted for a cultural tradition morphed from a pagan holiday. I personally don't believe that pagan is the same as satanic. But I do understand how people who are religious and are taught to condemn this do. They have that right. My belief is pagans and pagan rituals are really just what existed before organized religion became popular. It was a way of connecting with the larger picture. Humans have always needed that. I think its a shame that people who worshipped the earth and the heavens and celebrated the changing seasons are seen a satanic. By the way I am a christian, but I prefer to make my own observations and conclusions. I always loved Halloween when I was younger. It's sad that the way the world is now just doesn't allow for some of the simple pleasures we used to enjoy.

  7. What did you all think of the season premiere? It looks like it's going to be a good season. I was absolutely horrified that Jack is a junkie now. I know he started doing it when he was undercover but it's still crazy. It will take him along time to recover from that, if he ever does. Thank god he had the will power not to shoot up at the end. I wanted to be sick.


    I'm glad that Kim is working for CTU now. I was tired of seeing her character victimized. It made her look stupid. The new boyfriend/Jacks partner storyline looks interesting too.


    I was hoping that the lady that fell down the stairs was going to be in this season. I really liked her. She should still be part of President Palmers administration if she lived after her fall. Sorry I can't remember her name right now.


    So far out of the 3 season. Which is your favorite?


    I think I liked Season 2 storyline the best so far.

  8. Is that the one where she tried to alter the baby?  If it is, then I agree...sad and disturbing.

    Yes! That's the episode. Disturbing is a good word for it.

    I always knew she didn't like being half Klingon, but it really hit home how much so in that episode.

  9. I voted for B'Ellana. I think her character was one of the most interesting because she actually hated her Klingon heritage. It tormented her and we watched her character struggle to accept it. I thought the episode where she found out her baby had cranial ridges was so sad. :lol:

  10. The fact that she wore a sexy dress in its self is not really what concerns me. I think she looked great! However, IMO it was inappropriate for the specific situation because Hoshi had made it crystal clear that she was uncomfortable with staying there alone with the Alien. A woman in uncomfortable surroundings on a cold, dark, planet would not wear that dress.

  11. As usual MoulinRouge I agree with you on many :angry:. I think that the stand alone episodes definitley need some improvement. By far the best episodes have been in some way related to a story arc. I feel this is the #1 problem with the ratings. I think the biggest problem is we are so used to great stand alones with TNG and VOY (I haven't seen DS9, but I'm sure it had good ones as well.) We are spoiled. Rick Berman has been involved with so many series and stories, imagine how hard it must be for them to write this 5th series, as a prequel, with no holodeck, and to try to make it fresh every week. I mean just think how many of those stand alones were on the holodeck. It is an enormous challenge. I think that this series is gettting better and will be hitting its stride this season and really come into its own.


    Character development is the easiest thing for TPTB to focus on. If they want the series to be fresh and have less eps that seem to repeat the other series all they need to do is create stories based on these new characters. They are original. The more they develope the characters the more the fans are going to want to tune in every week and see what happens to them. Maybe some of the fans will even stop complaining when an eps seem familiar. Because now it's happening to a new character that we really care about and we want to see them go through it.


    I agree with you that they have over sexualized T'Pols character. Her catsuit doesn't bother me as I am used to it by now with Troy and Seven. However the pajamas that she wears while conversating with crew members is not realistic. at least she wears a robe sometimes. Also, there was no reason she had to remove her shirt for Trip to give her the massage. Those types of scenes I do feel have no place because I dont feel a woman would behave that way. Especially her character as she is written as fairly non sexual.


    Last but not least the Teflon coated captain? WARNING I can be biased on this subject...

    I'm going to mostly disagree with you on this subject. Yes, we can all find a couple episodes where you can say some decisions he has made are fool hearty. But as I see it, this is Archer. He makes emotional decisions. He is doing what he feels is right in his heart. There is no prime directive.Yes, in some instances the ramifications are not shown to affect him. But I can see it in his eyes when he is wrestling with his conscious. If he doesn't seem like he is feeling guilty it's because he feels like he has made the correct decision. They do affect him and I think we can really see the pressure this season. The Kretassens episode was written at the expense of his character, that eps would not of existed if he didn't take Porthos with him. TPTB let Archer be ridiculous. That is probably one of my least favorite eps in the whole series. That stupid dance he had to do in the end was horrible!


    Anyway as far as all your pros, Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree!lol

  12. I voted for Archer/Trip. I have loved their rapport since Broken Bow. I dont know why but I have never liked Reed much. He seems to wimpy for what he does and at this point I really dont feel emotionally invested in the character. I hope they spend some more time developing his character.

  13. I thought it was a great episode. I don't think that it caused any problems with continuity. I think they covered all grounds in that respect. I thought the ending was terrific it left me with a feeling of foreboding for things to come. :klingon:

  14. I actually really like Phlox. I think they need to use his character as much as possible. But for previous doctors I really got a kick out of the Doctor on VOY. Beverly and Mcoy were cool but just normal, no funny quirks. I guess thats what I like.

  15. Click for Spoiler:

    Let me pose this question to you:

    If you encountered someone and you were uncertain of their intent, would you give them the directions to your home?


    This was an easy out for the Xindi slave. He could tell the truth without giving anything away.


    As to how and why the Xindi home world was destroyed, I guess we will all have to stay tuned.

    Click for Spoiler:

    Why would the Xindi slave feel the need, at all, to divulge the coordinates with his last breath if he knew the planet had been destroyed? Maybe as a joke on Archer? If he had remained alive, I can see him giving Archer the coordinates because of the promise he made. Still couldn't he just tell Archer my homeworld was destroyed 150 years ago if he wanted to be truthful? Based on that assumption, at this point I can only assume that maybe he didn't know that the planet was destroyed. The Xindi must have a much longer life span than humans more like Vulcans and his homeworld had been destroyed sometime during his lifetime but he didn't know it..How could you not know for 150 years that your homeworld was destroyed? It's all very confusing. I can't wait to find out what really happened.

  16. Click for Spoiler:

    I mean....the one thing that I don't understand is HOW they KNOW that humans are going to destroy their world in 400 years? Do they have some kind of link with future guy too? 

    Click for Spoiler:

    I was thinking the same thing. There must be some sort of connection between TCW and the Xindi war. The only think I can think of is that for some reason they destroyed the homeworld so Enterprise couldn't learn about them, knowing they could go back and change the time line. Or maybe that was just the homeworld for the captive Xindi's unique species and it was destroyed in some sort of civil war. It very interesting to contemplate.



    I guess i did't notice Travis on the MACO shuttle pod. That makes sense they would need the best helmsman they could get for the rescue mission