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Posts posted by archerfan

  1. (although I think his or her opinion may be biased towards Archer due to the

    Yes, I guess you could say I'm somewhat biased :blink: , but I wasn't Archerfan after only one episode. I to am a fan of Quantum Leap and thought of Sam when ENT first premiered. But now like you said, Sam doesn't come to mind and I think that is due to Scott Bakula's acting abilities.

  2. I think the TCW and the Xindi war are going to be connected somehow. Just the way there are all these clues and they are coming from the past and the future. It all just doesn't make sense right now. Isn't that awesome! :blink:

  3. I just rewatched 'The Xindi' and I have some questions....


    Click for Spoiler:

    Why was the planet gone? Why did the Xindi captive believe the planet was still there or did he? How could it have been gone for 150 years already? What are you thoughts? Were the heck was Travis when T'pol was in command and they were awaiting the 2 shuttle pods to return to the ship? Shouldn't he have been there in that situation?


  4. I'm going to have to vote star wars on this one (the original trilogy). My fav is Empire Strikes Back. I liked the Star Trek movies my fav is TVH, I just think their are too many of them. I haven't seen them all yet, but I will. As for the Star Wars prequels they are fun but it's just not the same without the original actors. Although I do like Ewan Mcgregor and I loved Liam in the Phantom Menace. Even with the new special effects I still prefer the originals.

  5. Ahhh Indiana Jones, all time great classic adventure. :) They don't make em like that anymore. I love the series and will buy the DVD s. I'm really curious about the 4th movie. I've been hearing about it off and on for about 5 years now. Anybody hear anything about the possible storyline. I heard Harrison Ford would only sign on if the story was great and contributed to the legacy.

  6. I saw that scifi channel is coming out with a new Battlestar Galactica series in December. Does anyone know anything about it? Think it will be any good? I was young when the first series came out( I was born in 75) but I remember liking it. I have watched reruns and they are pretty cheesy but I still watch. I think the general story line would have potential for a remake. Anyone else use to watch it? :)

  7. I voted none. Compared to TNG,DS9,VOY there are a lot less regular characters. I think they need to concentrate on building the characters of Reed, Hoshi and Mayweather some more. They are my least favorite but I don't think they should have any of them killed off. I think they could actually stand to add a couple more regulars into the mix once they have really established the characters in place now. Oh and don't forget about Porthos! He needs some more character development too! :)

  8. Just wanted to say I'm here and I love Enterprise. I am currently brushing up on some TNG. It's really interesting to watch it and think of Enterprise coming before it. The day before yesterday I watched the/a episode with the starship T'Pol. Today I was watching an eps and they talked about the capt. never going on away missions. I thought that was interesting since it is a topic that has recently came up on Enterprise. I've also been thinking about how so may eps took place on the holodeck or during time travel in TNG, VOY. I believe it is a lot harder to write "original episodes" for a 5th series with out these things. Anyway, I too was tipped off by someone on to come here. I will try to get the word out. This is a really positive forum and I have been enjoying it since I signed up. :clap:

  9. My favorite 2 parter besides 'Endgame' was 'The Killing Game'. When the Holodeck blew up and the Nazi's were fighting with the Hunter species (cant remember their names) that really added a whole extra level to the eps. You cant really compare it to 'Endgame' though. Being that it was the series finale it is in a category all its own. I was on the edge of my seat.


    Speaking of favorite eps I was trying to remember the name of the eps were Voyager is orbiting a planet, very primitive, but developes into a space faring species the whole time believing Voyager is a star and then eventually traveling to space to visit Voyager. I loved that eps only one part though. Could someone tell me the name of this eps?

  10. My first Voyager episode was Futures End part 1. After a DS9 star trek hiatus I was reluctant to watch Voyager with a female captain. Finally I saw Futures End and proceeded to watch every eps after that and caught the missed eps in rerun. You can't blame me for being hesitant about a female captain. She had a bun in her hair o.k..Still haven't seen DS9, I'll have to find out if htat airs on T.V. anywhere.

  11. I enjoyed Exile for it's own merits but while watching it I couldn't escape the TOS feeling the settings gave me.

    I can feel that way too about the episode when I think back on it. The feeling of desolation and eerieness. That one weird alien that has motives you haven't figured out yet. That definatley sounds like TOS. Very Cool! B)

  12. 'Exile' was pretty good. On one hand I liked the fact the we got to see Hoshi in a story. The one thing that kind of bothered me about the Hoshi/Alien story line is I felt like it was a little too predictable. I knew that the Alien was going to try to get her to stay with him from the beginning. I did like the character that was created for the Alien he was kinda scary and freakish yet gentle and I definatley sympathized with him. Beauty and the Beast kept coming into my mind. B) I didn't however think the Archer/Trip line was too predictable. I thought the scene were they mapped out the Spheres was great and it really has me wondering what they are all about.

  13. If I'd been a slave I would have warned Archer and helped him escape the Xindi attack - done anything to avoid getting taken back.

    So what you saying is she probably is spy. Her life was in danger, she had no loyalties towards humans, there were good reasons why she didn't say anything to Archer. Imagine she falls in love with Archer(who wouldn't?). Questions her loyalties (she's probably not loyal to the Xindi anyway)and gets in the middle of this whole Xindi war thing.

    I'm not even saying anything like they become a regular couple but a whole ships passing in the night scenario. ooh I think I got chills just thinking about it!! He could even still have other love interests but above all want the unobtainable..Rajiin... :P

  14. I may be quite late on this subject but does anyone think Archer and Rajiin had something more brewing? I like the fact that she is a Xindi spy and how cool would it be for them to have a secret dangerous love affair. The only thing I don't like is the fact that she is a slave. If that was just a cover they could write her to be a little more classy (less fluffy attire, skin doesn't bother me). She could become a double agent. Then Archer would be torn between saving earth and/or the crew and/or Rajiin...I think it would be cool..I just can't forget the way they looked at eachother for the last time. :P

  15. I whole heartily agree with you..Moulin Rouge. I would be happy with Trip/T'Pol just being friends or being much more. I think the only thing I am against is T'pol and Archer(Maybe i'm jealous :P.) I think Archer is better left for the occasional whirwind with some exotic flower.