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Posts posted by Xeroc

  1. Welcome, mrskirk! Yes, this board is much better than ST.com!

    For Example:

    • Better interface
    • Better People (i.e. not spammers, idiots, etc.)
    • Anti-Spam controls
    • More Boards - If you want to talk other than Trek - you can go to the off-topic, rather than on a trek board!

    You just have to like this board!


    Also - you can use the Private Messaging feature to ask for help!

    To use the PM feature:

    Click on the PM button at the bottom of anyone's post to send them a private message:



    If you need help, send someone a PM, the moderating Team: VaBeachGuy, Alterego, Luvin1stDegree know a lot about these boards. They will probably be glad to give you any help you need!


    Have fun!

  2. I was getting sick of people talking about everything except Star Trek on startrek.com so I thought I would join this board..

    Welcome, tank! Yes, this board is much better than ST.com!

    For Example:

    • Better interface
    • Better People (i.e. no spammers, idiots, etc.)
    • Anti-Spam controls
    • More Boards - If you want to talk other than Trek - you can go to the off-topic, rather than on a trek board!

    You just have to like this board!

  3. Celtic Swimmer!


    Must I repeat myself!



    If anything, we should not go to war for oil!  A war would create great instability in the oil market, driving prices up.  When a new government gets set up, they will not give us free oil!  They will need the profit from the oil to rebuild their country!  Also, what's to say Saddam might not burn the oil wells like in Kuwait?!?!  That would be millions, if not billions, of dollars of oil right down the drain.  Also, based on a new poll, by CNN, the great majority of Americans believe the war is not about oil.


    There are many GOOD REASONS to go to war

    • Saddam is a murderer and torturer
    • Iraquis lack many freedoms we take for granted in the freer countries
    • Saddam DOES have biological and chemical weapons
    • He might have nuclear weapons, or just might be in development
    • If done correctly, The world would be much better off without him

    And ... if we don't go to war now, the situation will likely get MUCH WORSE!


    Also, that joke is far from the truth! The whole reason America is a better place than places like IRAQ is that we don't do stuff like that. Like they say, "this is a free country!"

  4. President Bush made a speech today at 1:00am GMT / 8:00pm EST / 5:00pm PST


    He gave Saddam an ultimatum to leave the Country or be taken out. It was 48 hours or be invaded.


    He will probably not take this ultimatum because: after all these years it is unlikely he will just step down and he is obviously preparing for war - i.e. dividing the country in to military districts, moving scud missile launchers in to place, massive troop movents etc.


    This means the war with Iraq will happen within the next week almost for sure. (probably after the 48 hour deadline)


    Also, there will be no vote in the U.N. - Bush has decided to abandon that avenue because of lacking support and too much deliberation - not a quick enough decision in the security counsel.



    Q was awesome!!! His episodes were kinda corny . . . but TOS was also kinda corny sometimes and TOS is good!


    Q is all-powerful but seems never quite to know what to do with all the power. He is comical and an interesting character. Q is the best!!!

  6. Answers:


    1) log base 2 of 7/4 + 3 = x :to: x = 3.80735

    2) x = 218

    3) x = .15811


    log 5x + log (x-1) = 2

    log 5x(x-1) = 2

    10^2 = 5x(x-1)

    100 = 5x^2 - 5x

    5x^2 - 5x - 100 = 0


    using the quadratic formula:



    x = 5 or x = -4


    4^(3x) = 8^(x+1)

    (2^2)^(3x) = (2^3)^(x+1)

    2^(6x) = 2^(3x+1)

    6x = 3x + 1

    3x = 1

    x = 1/3 or .333333.......

  7. I think it is a definite possibility - but I don't think it is likely. I believe they said it was called "phantom energy" when the expansion runaway accelerated. It is "dark energy" when it doesn't accelerate like that. (I think)


    I surely won't be rooting for a Big Rip however. The "Big Fizzle" is better in my opinion. (Where the universe just expands and cools forever)