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Posts posted by mj

  1. I had heard about Harry Ramos' sacrifice in an article in Guideposts. It could have been this article. I was touched by the fact that Ramos would not let Victor die alone. I also had heard many stories about the patience, cooperation, and giving of the many New Yorkers and other northeasterners descending those stairs.


    My favorite survival story was about a group of firemen who survived because they refused to leave one tired middle aged or older woman who could not take another step. They were all in a stairwell when the tower collasped around them in such a way that none of them was hurt seriously, and they were all shortly afterward rescued. I love the fact that they refused to leave the woman.

  2. My Star Trek ambitions would be to see the episodes of DS9 that I missed ( which requires re-watching the series, since I missed epsisodes sporadically), eventually attend a large Star Trek convention, and try my hand at ficition writing.

  3. I voted Kirk, but not for the Kirk-Uhura kiss. I do remember that kiss. It wasn't really very romantic, because it was forced. However, romantic or not , it was controversial. That night was one time that my mother was watching Star Trek with my sister and me, and when Kirk kissed Uhura, my mother said, " Well... all the television sets were turned off in the South!" My sister and I were still watching the show, because by then the new powers had kicked in and Kirk and Spock were about to put those snobby people in their place! The importance of the moment was lost on us, though we came to understand later.


    I voted for Kirk because I thought he was the best kisser, period. There were lots of really romantic moments, and really good kisses.

  4. Was there a little boy named Eulie or Yulie, and some strange group of aliens that lived underground? And was there also a young girl in this? I might have watched that too. Or, this could be something else....

  5. "And thus be it ever when free men shall stand

    Between their loved homes and the war's desolation

    Blessed with vict'ry and peace, may the Heav'n rescued land

    Praise the Power that hath made and preserved us a nation.

    Then conquer we must, if our cause it is just,

    And this be our motto, In God Is Our Trust.

    And the Star Spangled Banner in triumph shall wave

    O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave."



    "Oh, beautiful for patriot dreams that see beyond the years.

    Thine alabaster cities gleam, undimmed by human tears.

    America!  America!  God shed His grace on thee.

    And crown thy good with brotherhood from sea to shining sea!"


    Thank you for your excellent choice of words for this day! Many only know one verse of The Star Spangled Banner and America, The Beautiful, but these rarely sung verses are so appropriate, and well-said!


    My thoughts and prayers are with the families of the victims, and with all the survivors and loved ones, and all affected by the tragedy in any way. May the Lord comfort and keep them, and grant them peace of mind. May the Lord grant strength to this nation to face the future with courage and resolve, and the ability to face whatever is ahead.

  6. I am not sure I remember it, or if I am thinking about something else?


    Was Mariette Hartley in the pilot? Did it have this cylindrical superfast subway system? Was there a guy who had been in suspended animation and woke up in the future in a place called Pax?


    Was John Saxon and Diana Mildaur in one of the episodes?


    If yes to all of the above, I did watch Earth 2 until it went off the air, I think.

  7. Click for Spoiler:

    Well, I think the question is, that since the scene could have been just as clever and humerous if they left their very thin shirts on, and the scene offends some people, why not do the scene with their shirts on? The problem with the partial nudity is that it does offend some, it is not necessary to communicate the beginnings of a relationship, and it unnecessarily excludes fans who enjoy the stories but are offended by the nudity. Or by the semi-nudity, or the hint of nudity. Also men and women topless (or semi-topless) are not equally provocative.


    It would be a small sacrifice to have them leave their shirts on for that scene, and not drive away a few of the more morally conservative fans. Everyone always says to not watch it if they are offended. But as they put more and more unnecessary scenes into more and more programs, they leave less and less for those whose values are more strict to watch. There is plenty of porn, semi-porn, and hint of porn for those whose tastes are for the risque.


    Is it too much to ask that that a little restraint be exercised, and some of these teasing scenes be ommitted?


    Now for me, I am a little older than many people here, and older than CJLP, and it will take a little more than what was in this show to drive me away from Star Trek. But I will abandon new Star Trek, if it continues to decline, and just stick to reruns of the old series. Star Trek has always had programs that include more adult themes. But their track record has been to handle those episodes in such a way that they could be broadly watched.

  8. While I would never describe myself as "laid back," I just do not have strong feeelings about the theme song either way. In general that is not the type of music I listen to, although I do like a lot of the old Simon & Garfunkel music. The old theme reminded me a little of that.


    The old theme was fine. The new one is fine.

  9. I feel informed, but not particularly excited, by this episode. And I am not disappointed by what I saw. I would rate it 6 out of 10. I may change my mind as I watch the tape over and over again.

    Click for Spoiler:

    I now have a sense of what they are facing, and am intrigued. Those storage containers bashing against the different walls of the cargo bay ---scary! I did not care for the T'pol /Trip thing. It contributed nothing to the plot.


    I am waiting for more, for the rest of their experience in the Expanse, and do not expect to be disappointed.

  10. It could have worked. Sulu was a well developed character who had lots of hobbies and interests. He was greatly influenced by Kirk, of course. For instance, he was evasive and deceptive when Star Fleet Command was trying to locate Enterprise in the Undiscovered Country, a very Kirk-like act. But he had enough of his own personality were there would have been sufficient material to develop a series.

  11. They are more than just characters to me, but I can live without them if it suddenly ended. Of course I do not see how it could really end, since there are DVD's and videos. But I have been watching Star Trek for over thiry years, and many of those years with just reruns to watch. I cannot think of any other program I have watched that faithfully.

  12. I guess I see your point... that a lot of what is done are just plot devices. I think I just was not paying attention, or giving it that much thought.


    A lot of things people point out as inconsistencies never bothered me, because I have a tendency to try to put things into a context that makes sense to me. So I would expect Star Fleet Medical to be in a developmental stage, especially with regard to dealing with aliens. I would expect them to do some things well, and some things less well. Alien prosthetics I would expect them to be able to come up with -- computerized design, and so forth, because at this point human prosthetics would be so far along. And I do not expect Dr. Phlox's performance to be equal in all situations.


    But I think I see what you mean about some things being a bit convenient.

  13. I skipped voting here, because I do not view these women as "babes." I view them as competant officers who contibuted to the overall efficiency of their respective crews.


    Of course, none of them was unattractive....I must acknowledge that.

    Very well said. :tear:



    Thanks for taking my comments at face value. They were sincere comments.