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Posts posted by mj

  1. Another question -


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    When he pretended to be Archer, he told Hoshi that Travis would understand if she didn't say goodbye - then corrected to Travis and all her friends.  Has there been something going on between them, or is that a new development?  She said she had just been thinking about Travis - is that portentious, or am I reading too much into this?

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    I think that Hoshi and Travis are just friends. They are both ensigns and bridge officers, and they eat togehter a lot. Remember the episode where the automated station was repairing Enterprise? She and Travis had been eating together, and he had played a practical joke on her. I think what we learned about Hoshi is that she has associations and friendships, but she still feels isolated and has not let anyone get too close to her yet. The alien spent a lot of time looking through her eyes, and a lot of that time she was alone. Part of her aloneness is practiced...she was alone alot as a child, and is still learning how to be with people.




    This was a good episode to not only learn a little more about Hoshi's past, but also to see something more about her actual personality, which was revealed by the alien. Also we see how she is adjusting to life on Enterprise and in outer space.


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    I believe she actually did get off that planet. I think the alien thought she would be a little less agressive, and a little more pliable than she turned out to be. Remember how timid she was to start with? Even if he had gotten that little amplifier thing from her and tried to keep her there, he would have to be on guard against her ever getting a hold of it again, because she would have destrroyed it, and been the last of his companions, rather than let him trap another person there after her.


    I think there are other possibilities for his future. If the Expanse is "figured out" by the Enterprise and the Federation develops in sufficient time, Federation people will establish contact and relations with him. He would be too interesting to just leave to himself. I also think Hoshi pricked his conscience, and that he may change his approach in the future. The Federation is not afraid of telepaths.

  2. Do you remember how Captain Kangaroo always had his box of crayola crayons for all the little projects he did? 


    I do remember, I loved Captain Kangaroo!!!

    I remember him too, hard to believe I'm really that old. B)

    I and my siblings adored him ( and Mr. Greenjeans, and weren't there Mr. Rabbit and Mr. Moose...two puppets?)! B)


    I remember one Christmas getting a huge box of bargain brand crayons, and they just did not compare...they didn't color as smoothly, nor were the colors as vibrant...I kid you not...there was a difference!


    But once my sister and I once got a box of 100 crayola crayons (with the crayon sharpener in the back of the box...peel back the paper covering when the "point " was round and dull, and sharpen it...remember that?), and so we colored till our hearts content in our Mary Poppins coloring book..


    I agree with what others had said about the wonderful childhood memories! B)

    (And I am signing off now, because this started as a short post with a couple of lines, and I keep remembering things.......)

  3. It's late. I have already been on today for a couple of hours, and I should just go to bed.


    I just interpreted the question a little differentlay than everyone else I think. I chose the Horta because the mother Horta turned out to be a good guy, and they were all able to reach a mutally beneficial treaty.


    I thought this was a really good adversarial conflict that was resolved well after a lot of violence, death, and mutual distrust.

  4. I guess I was a little affected by so many Vulcans being killed...that there was nothing that could be done to save them. Still, of all people the Vulcans would view Archer's decision to destroy the Seleya as the only logical option. And when they get back to Earth and inform the Vulcans of the cause of the insanity on their rescue ship, this will contribute to an increase in respect the Vulcans have for humans.

  5. I live in the South, and many of my students are very polite, and address me as ma'am. I am not at all offended, and like the fact that these young people afford me respect as their elder. I find that such students are usually just as respectful of their peers.


    In a military body, they need to decide which term is to be used, because they can't pick a term based on an individual officer's preference. They have to be consistent.

  6. Ahem...


    I am the one who voted for the Space Shuttle... :P ......because ........ :o

    um.........homage to the astroanuts who contibute to making a future with space travel possible.....er...... :o


    I just don't really have a favorite Enterprise from the many Star Trek series. :o

  7. With all of the talk of music in this forum I thought you meant the 60's-70's singing group.  You remember the songs "Let the Sunshine In" and "Up Up and Away". :P Of course I was REALLY REALLY young when they were popular.



    :o I thought he was talking music,too!My wife loves the 5th dimension,and has all of their albums.I think I know all of their songs by heart,having to listen to them so much. :o



    And I was also thinking, " Wow, master_q likes the 5th Dimension and Rush! Who would have thought it?!" So I had to check it out.


    Of course I have sat through many a Twillight Zone marathon. I don't remember those words....

  8. I watch PBS mostly right now, the News Hour with Jim Lehrer. I watch it because they put the pictures of the young men and women who are killed, and I don't want to forget or get casual about young people dying.:P


    I also read news from my home page, and occasionally the networks.


    I do not watch complete newcasts everyday, however. I take breaks from the news.....

  9. When I first joined, I did not post at all. I did not even introduce myself in the new members forum. I had never particpated in on line message boards and was nervous about talking to strangers. I just read the boards, which had lots to say abour Star Trek. I would read a comment about an episode, and them go back to startrek.com to the library to look up that episode and try to remember and then decide whether on not I agreed with the comments. But I did not engage in conversation for a long time.


    Now I'm into that promotion thing! I want to be a commander! :P


    I think a lot of people just want to get more information about Star Trek in a non-belligerant environment. They may not want to talk at all, but there is so much to gain in just reading and looking around this site!


    It amazes me that I ever started talking to people...

  10. I voted for the Ferengi...no way could I trust him as a roommate. I would prefer a Vulcan or a Trill as a room mate. I also agree that it would not be good from the point of view of privacy to have a Betazoid as a room mate.

  11. The character development, the deep stories, set in outer space with all the special effects, make Star Trek different. Humanity did really move into space. Human, heartfelt stories in space, and also the ability to be very speculative, because it is science fiction.

  12. Perhaps if there was already a colony on the moon, like there should be, I would not be so crazy about Star Trek. I want to be out there! I want humanity to be out there!


    I like Star Trek, because humanity is exploring the universe, and everybody (all kinds of folks) gets to go!

  13. Happy Belated Birthday!


    I can tell you from experience that belated birthday wishes are as effective as timely ones! My sister and I were born on the same day one year apart. As adults living in different parts of the country I would always remember to send her a card that arrived by our birthday. She would then go purchase me a belated card. Belated cards on the average are a little more clever!


    Happy Clever Belated Birthday!

  14. Admiralpeewee,


    I lost my very dear father to cancer February 20, 2003. He had also been on dialysis due to kidney failure.


    Remember your father in the life you now live before others.


    When we were little, my mother would say this to us all the time. " Remember, where ever you go, and what ever you do, you represent your father." It was just a way of saying that how we lived would reflect our upbringing and would reflect on them. But it stayed with us. Now that he is gone I think about what aspects of me are really him, and I am determined to live a life that would give him pride and pleasure, were he still here.


    By doing this I tell people about my dad.


    May the Lord comfort and keep you and yours in this time of loss. My prayers are with you.

  15. I watch it after Enterprise on UPN. It is a good show, and I like the fact that there is a more balanced view of a US intelligence agency. Usually they are only portrayed as sinsiter murdering bad guys. But here you see agents loosing their lives, being beaten, and real threats to national security. The story centering around Jake (infected with nanotechnolgy) is clever and fun. I recommend it.

  16. I disagree with the review, and agree with the comment above that all trek series follow the same basic pattern, except the ones that had the long story arcs ( DS9 and now ENT).


    Voyager had good character development, and interesting challenges. They also had that "year of hell", which, although erased with a change in the timeline, still allowed us to go with them through a very trying struggle, when they had suffered numerous defeats.