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Posts posted by mj

  1. B4 remains, and Data put a little of himself into B4. There are always possibilities for the develpoment of that character.


    I agree with those who say that Spiner is a good character actor. Each of his incarnations of the various androids and Dr. Soong's are easily separated from thhe others. In the three-part Enterprise series, I think the ending with Dr. Soong thinking about switching his scientific interests was an appropriate ending. It is clear he passed his new interests on to descendants, and hence Data and the others were 'born.'


    This is also what I liked about Season 4 of Enterprise. There was a lot of what I would expect of a pre-quel...the beginnings of what was to come later. So I liked the story about the Borg, the story about Dr. Soong, and other references and connections to the later series.

  2. I don't think that it was ever directly mentioned. However, in the first shown TOS episode "The Man Trap", when the salt vampire in the guise of a crewmember starts speaking to Uhura in Swahili, she responds with absolute delight and says "You're Swahili?". After I saw that , I just assumed that Uhura was Swahili.



    She observed that the creature SPOKE Swahili. Swahili is a language, not a tribe or group of people.

    In another episode, I think the Changeling, Uhura's mind was wiped blank of most knowledge, and Nurse Chapel had to reteach Uhura. When she became frustrated she resorted to speaking in Swhali.


    Opponents of the proposed law argue the use of a special plate would stigmatize everyone who shared the offender's car -- including their spouse or children.


    The proposed law will be debated in committee before a decision is made whether to put the proposal to a vote.



    03-01-07 07:49 EST






    I have to agree with this argument. The car that the released felon uses may belong or be shared with family members, who already have the nightmare of trying to live with and help their wayward relative.


    Even though living with a relative did not help in the Lunsford case, we do not know how many situations have been prevented because the released felon was living with relatives who kept up with him. While having one's home address listed on a website may not be a happy prospect for many relatives living with the ex-con's, it does not have the same stigma as driving a car, and having people think it was actually you

    that did the misdeeds, And the false label would follow you every where you go. I think the main affect of the law would be for relatives to move the individual out of the home, so the car would not be parked in the family's driveway, and the family car would not be so labelled.


    Then no one would be watching the individual and asking for an accounting of his wearabouts.

  4. Riker could have played Chef even if they had shown Chef. Imitating 'famous' people was often a part of holodeck fantasy.


    I think they did not show Chef because they did not think about him as a recrring character until after the cast was set.

  5. How Did You First See Enterprise?

    It's Original Run


    What Were Your Thoughts When You First Heard of ENT?

    I Liked The Idea of a Prequel


    After Watching It, Did Your Opion Change?




    Same response for me!


    and me


    Same here.


    And I liked the fact that the Vulcans and Andorians and Humans had to go through a developmental period before something like the Federation could be forrmed.

  6. I bought an HD TV for between $500 and $600, but refused to pay for the extra HD channels on cable. I did have to get a digital cable package and a special box for HD TV's. ( It was not a flat panel TV).


    I get shows shot in HD with the high definition resoluion, but I refuse to pay extra for the HD cable channels.


    Lots of things are already done in HD. I did not realize how much better the image was until I was at my mother's home for 10 days, and had only the older sets with their 'fuzzy' images.

  7. If you've been a scifi fan for many years you've probably at one time seen some program where there was a lone survivor (or maybe a handful) of some holocaust that wiped out humanity. The survivors then could have all the fancy clothes, jewelry cars etc that was left but would having lots of jewels mean anything if there weren't people to see?


    IMO no, which begs the question then why do they mean anything when there are other people?


    It's only lately that Americans have become excessively obsessed with having more than the neighbors...I'd say since post-world war 2. Even then some people are raised by their parents to practice restraint, and the words greed and envy are still bad words to some people.


    Having more indicates social status in most human socieities. People want more status. Different possesions incidcate status. In the Masai tribe in Kenya, it used to be who had the most cattle.here people want expenxsive homes and cars.


    Not me. I just want enough to live on and be able to save for retirement, which is about where I am.

  8. That style of wearing pants comes from the prison system, and the reason why is for what happened.....can't run with your pants down. People have tried todiscourage young people from wearing low-riding pants, because the source of the style is not a good role model.


    Well, at least the child is dressed for his next role......

  9. No, BOTH requested that it be removed. Read it again. It was the wife that had psychological difficulty accepting te new situation. Apparently both came to feel that they could better deal with the deformity than the change.


    And the doctors correctly noted that not just for this case, but in any kind of elective radical organ transplants, including transplants of limbs such as hand, it is not enough to just take care of the physiological problem. You must truly educate people who now have to deal with lifelong antirejction drugs, that it will never be the same, and the new organs will not be the same.


    That is not a problem when it is a matter of life or death. For colleague of mine who has had a bone marrow transplant, not dealing with the consequences of the anti-rejection drugs means death. It is difficult for him, and I look at him, and to me his skin color is different. But he doesn't care that he looks different, nor does his wife or daughters. Because he is alive.

  10. I wonder how they decide whether the differences represent dialects, or different languages. Humans living in different geographic areas speak different languages, and it is not genetic...its cultural. So are dialects.


    I can see a group of whales living together, then separating to the extent that they become isolated from the others, and over time, substantial differences developing.

    Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, and French are all different, but have common origins in Latin.

  11. I find this very bad, but did anyone else notice the dates given in this story? It broke of back in late summer 2005, froze 30 miles away, and now they await a spring thaw to see what happens... That thaw has already happen!!! Something is very wrong here, and I just don't mean the breaking of ice either...


    I don't quite understand your comment. The ice sheet breaking away was a scientific observation, and something that has to be confirmed, discussed, and so forth. There is nothing suspicious about an observation first made in 2005 being discussed publicly for the frist time 16 months later. The same sort of thing might take place in discussing, say, the sighting of a new comet.

  12. Those who have boasted about the high speeds they had once attained were fortunate not to experience the a common enough consequence of inexperienced drivers going at high speed: death, paralysis, or disfugurement.


    It happens enough where one would hope that the parents had the sense to take that young man's license away for awhile. This needs to be more than a news story and a record set (records are made to be broken....sooner or later there will be another story about a young man not so lucky).


    I agree with Odie and TUH.


    Just last year three freshmen students from my school were killed in an auto accident because the driver was speeding and lost control. Three young lives that were just beginning, now over.

  13. Sounds like something out of a Bond film :blink: ...Then again in the US they are developeing a chemical that can be dumped on city but would only be deadly to the target,it is made to attack only your DNA!!..now that sends a chill down my spine.


    Where on earth did you hear something like that? It seems a bit unbelieveable to me, and immoral. It sound like the perfect weapon for genocide.

  14. When I first looked at the title, I thought about eating cotton cloth....I don't know why.


    But this technique is so very promising. It again makes one think of the Star Trek world, where there is no hunger.....


    At times this world seems so hopeless. Then we see those working tirelessly for a better future for everyone, working with a crop that is widely grown in struggling nations. It seems like that Star Trek future could come about.