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Posts posted by mj

  1. Interestingly I think he's gotten the starring role in two of the most intense episodes in Scifi history. ENT's "Similitude" and SGA's "Michael" were both very thought provoking and he did and outstanding job in both. He outshone the regular cast in SGA


    I finally saw him in 'Michael', and it was an excellent episode. It was especially troubling to watch the attempt to deceive him as to who he really was.

  2. While I liked Enterprise, its second seaon lost several of my friends as regular watchers of the series. I kept watching but they stopped and I think a lot of people joined them in stopping their viewing of the series.



    Why is that? What was wrong with the second season?


    I think Enterprise was a good series, but on the same level as TNG and VOY. DS9 may have been a little better, tops was TOS.



    As far as crew (behind the scenes), there should be no excuse why they don't have good diversity. In front of the camera, however, they *do* have to assign races to some characters based on their relationships with other characters (of the same race). But what I'd like to see is shows portraying real and OK relationships between people of different races, different religions. Heck, DS9 did the whole religion thing and nobody boycotted Paramount. Did the right-wing conservative Christian activist groups completely miss DS9 because Paramount substituted God for "The Prophets" and "Christians" for "Bajorans"?


    I don't quite get your point here. The religion of DS9 did not at all relate to my Chrisitian faith, but I found that whole story line interesting. Religion was ambiguous in DS9, because the Prophets were definitely aliens, and Sisko 'human-prophet'. So there was the 'faith' of the Bajorans vs the reality of the Prophets being another group of aliens. It still made for wonderful stories, but was not in any way offensive to me as a Chrisitian.


    Star Trek has a long history of dealing with religious themes. I am not particularly fond of the terms 'judeo-christian myths' which has turned up after TOS, but mostly there is no denigration of Christianity as a matter of practice, so I can live with the phrase cropping up from time to time.


    DS9 hit on a lot of controversial topics. I don't think that because they were using aliens was the only reason they "got away with it". I think a lot more people are more accepting than the television execs often assume.


    But people still won't watch things that offend them. I don't watch the new Battlestar Gallactica because I found the machines' regular mockery of Christianity offensive. I don't watch a lot of programs for that reason. But I will watch shows that speculate about religion if it is not wholesale disrespectful of my beliefs.


    There are already many shows that deal with controversy from diverse perspectives. I think the various Law and Order shows do. I love shows like 'Doc' and 'Sue Thomas: FB-Eye", both in re-runs, which are racially diverse.


    I think as far as race is concerned, we have that nailed down. (I thought in moving to the South, I'd see a lot of racism, rebel flags - in fact it's quite the opposite - white and black get along fine, so far as I can tell, Confederate flags are rare, but most people don't seem bothered by them.)


    Yes and no. I live in a southern city that was once segregated, and have mostly had good experiences. But

    when I see cars or pick-up trucks with confederate flags on the license plates, I do nothing to provoke them and stay away.


    I actually have a work environment that is diverse and peaceful. Many races and nationalities are represented: white Americans, English, Russian, and others; black Americans, Nigerians, Ghanaian, Zimbabwean,; from Sri Lanka, from India, from mainland China, and others. Many of the above foreign-born members have become American citizens, so when I refer to nationality, I refer to place of birth and upbringing. There are also different religions. The way it plays out is that faculty meetings open with a moment of silence, but when we have faculty dinners at the chair's house, there is a Christian prayer said, because his is a Chrisitian home. The non-believers and those of other faiths forbear and have never complained. It is a remarkablely peaceful department where civility prevails. But we are truly very different. We just act like grown-ups.

  4. Some of those I agree with, but is this from the Paramount Star Trek site?


    My favorite all time is The Visitor. I love lots of TOS episodes, including the City on the Edge of Forever, but The Ultimate computer was only good in my book, not one of the greats. I think a lot of TNG episodes should have been on the list.

  5. Being a trek fan since it started in 1966 that old.

    i have no prefrence. since they primaraly take place in

    different time periods.





    What I recall from having seen TMP again recently is completely relating to Admiral Kirk finally getting the Enterprise back, and just like him, thanking Scottie for the tour before going aboard.


    Fans are pickier these days, perhaps because they never went through the long spell of no new Star Trek. See how you feel a few years from now.

  6. I enjoyed both of the previous X-men movies. They are a lot of fun, but also deal with real issues. I like the whole idea that regular people would be apprehensive about some people having super powers, and all the problems that engenders. I never read the X-men comics.


    I plan to see X-Men III, but I intend to wait for it to come out on DVD. I rarely go to the theater, and the only two movies I have seen at the theater in the last ten years are Ray and Chronicles of Narnia. And I saw C. of N. at the $2 theater when it was no longer playing at the high-priced theaters.

  7. I voted 'other' and I have the following:


    Star Trek: The Wrath of Kahn ( Video - VCR)

    Star Trek: The Search for Spock- taped off the air, but later taped over it, so I just have a piece of it

    Star Trek: The Voyage Home-taped off the air (VCR)


    Star Trek: The Undiscovered Country( DVD)


    Star Trek: First Contact ( Video - VCR)

    Star Trek: Insurrection ( Video - VCR)

  8. On Earth, it has been proven the sun is not need to have life. In the deepest oceans where sun cannot even reach the bottom life exits near superheated water pipes. If there is a source of energy that is hot enough life might be present.



    Gosh, I didn't think of that either. And actually the ocean depths are quite cold ( to humans).


    And to think this is a sci-fi website, where we constantly speculate about alien life, like the Andorians and their ice-world! :blush 2: ( I don't do this in real life).

  9. I agree with Odie. Healthy men can continue to father children. Many years ago a local man and his wife in my hometown lost both their sons, teenagers, in a freakish auto accident only a few hundred feet from their home. The boys were their only children. The parents were middle-aged. They ended up divorced, and the man fathered children by his second wife. The wife did not have the same option.


    Even if it is true that the sperm count is lowered, that reduces the liklihood, but not enough to make it unlikely. And that is not the same thing as with women who can no longer conceive.

  10. Stars and Stripes Forever is my favorite. The words are straight-forward, kind of a standard patriotic profession. But the music itself is so powerful it lifts the entire song to a inspirational grandeur that almost always reduces me to tears when I hear it.


    I know lots of patriotic songs. I used to know all the verses of the Star Spangled Banner. ( Our music teacher made us memorize it in the fifth grade......long time ago.)

  11. I think it would be an interesting topic to talk about. What do you think?


    I myself think it might be a tie. But I think Chakotay would make a great captain just like Janeway. I am just a maquis kinda gal.



    I think that the Chakotay of Season 1 was too much of a hothead to be a good Captain. By Season 4 I would say that he was just as good if not better then Janeway.



    I agree that the type of leader Chakotay would have been was influenced by his working as a federation officer under Janeway. I voted no because I think Janeway is slightly stronger. But Chakotay, after having been influenced by Janeway, would also make a great captain.

  12. I voted for Ben Sisko and Cassidy Yates. I liked thae fact that she has a career, and he would do the cooking most the time!


    I also liked Odo and Kira.


    I thought the ups and downs of both relationships made them beleivable, and I was not put off by how they ended.

  13. I agree with you on this one, APW ( don't faint!). If Bele had been pursuing Lokai for 50,000 years, their cities would have long ago been reduced to dust by the elements and natural phenomena: wind, rain, fire, earthquakes, etc.


    The cities were in ruins when they returned, but among the rubble of the cities were unburied corpses. The dead bodies would not still be around if Bele and Lokai were gone 50,00 years.


    He had to mean the distance: 50,000 light years.

  14. When they brought Gillian to the future with them it was unintentional. She grabbed Kirk in the act of transporting. They just did not forcibly remove her, but could have lost time trying. They barely got to the whales in time to prevent them from being harpooned, and them barely got back to their own time period in time to get the whales to answer the alien probe.