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Posts posted by mj

  1. I love the final scenes with Kira joining Jake as they view the wormhole, the phenomenon that gave Bajor its strategic importance, but which for the pair is where those dear to them are.


    Because of The Visitor, we know how intensely Jake feels the loss of his father. Because of the long relationship of Kira and Odo, first as friends and then as a couple, we know how Kira feels about Odo. I get a sense of melancholy, but also satisfaction at this ending.

  2. City on the Edge of Forever. Kirk catching and clutching Bones to prevent him from saving Edith.

    Kirk clinging to his friend Bones as his heart shatters, listening to sceeching wheels and a scream.

    But there is no comfort there as his friend asks him if he knows what he had just done. No comfort at all in doing the right thing--too deep a personal loss. But the future is restored.


    One of Star Trek's classic moments, and one of my favorite episodes.

  3. Some favorite scenes:


    Lal's death scene in TNG: 'I love you, father......I will feel it for both of us."


    Old man Jake Sisko's death in The Visitor of DS9: Jake's father, Benjamin Sisko, holding his son's head in his hands, cries out 'Jake! My sweet boy!'


    The perfect moment in time in Insurrection


    Geordi's first sunrise in Insurrection


    The scene in Undiscovered Country where Chancellor Gorkon (sp?) tells Kirk that if there is to be a new order that their generation will have the toughest time living in it.


    The scene in Enterprise where the Vulcan ambassador finally admits to Archer that he might have been mistaken in opposing his appointment as captain of the Enteprise.


    Others...too many to list.

  4. I chose episodes III and IV. The original Star Wars is my favorite of the series, and I did not care for episodes I and II. But episode III pulled the whole series together, and then the redemption of Darth Vader made sense in episode VI.

  5. Yes.


    This year since my mother cooked in my home, and since she is aging, I spent more time helping her cook than I ever had in the past.


    But always when home for Thanksgiving in the past, and also today, I was on clean-up. I cannot remember a Thanksgiving with family where I was not on clean-up. ( I did spend some Thanksgivings in the company of non-family when I was in graduate school, and unable to come home for Thanksgiving. Those years I got to just eat.)


    Clean-up on Thanksgiving is serious. It is not as long as cooking, but it has its own challenges. It took me 2.5 hours to put away the all the food, and do all the dishes from today's meal.


    I still say it is worth it. It is worth every drop of sweat, and every tired bone.

  6. Well, Thanksgiving is almost over, but it is not too late to hope that all who celebrated had a good day, and took at least part of the day to remember what they are thankful for.


    I am thankful to have my mother here living with me permanently. She loves my place, and I do not have to worry about her being alone anymore.


    This is the first Thanksgiving I have celebrated in the city I live in, because I usually go home see my family. But since mom was here with me, we invited a guest in and cooked Thanksgiving dinner.

  7. What is chilling about the Borg is that they take people's lives.



    In addition they keep getting more efficient in taking people's lives.



    When Picard was transformed into Locutus ( spelling!) it took a while. In his first contact with the Enterprise after assimilation, he still being transformed.There were more operations afterwards.


    In First Contact it seemed to takes seconds to do what it was taking hours to do in TNG.

  8. I voted other, and would have liked to see more of the final scenes, more camera time focused on the different delegates present, more on that scene with the beginnnings of the federation.


    I also did not like either of the two mentioned problems, although there is still potential for episodes with Trip if they occure within the 6 year period before his death.

  9. That's good (that race wasn't used in the campaign). Now, I hope he does a good job as mayor.


    I had high hopes that J.C. Watts, a dynamic young African-American Republican from Oklahoma would move on from Congress to higher office. But he caved in to ostracization from the black community in his home state. I remember reading where he'd receive letters calling him an Oreo, a sell out, and all sorts of things.His family was threatened.....all that nonsense. :bow:


    Its too bad. J.C. Watts had a great head on his shoulders.


    Polititians receive hate mail all the time for from those who oppose their positions. If he left politics and government because of name-calling and theats, then he was not cut out for politics. Or at least he needed a little more faith and committment.


    Let's try to stay on topic, and find out more from Odie what was good about the situation in Buffalo, rather than stray to topics about other politicians and their constituencies.


    What were the issues in the Buffalo election?

    How did the mayoral contest stay focused on issues, and not decline into base rhetoric?

    What party is the new mayor a member of?

  10. This topic started out being about the mayor in Buffalo to future election of the President.


    Another thread run amuck!!!!.... :bow:

    Yeah, like lot of threads it takes a life of its own.


    Back topic. I hope with will improve the city.


    So my question was were there promises in the mayoral race about snow removal in Buffalo? Isn't that a concern there, or have they already mastered that problem?


    In my home city there was griping every winter about snow removal, and we did not get the amount of snow that Chicago or Buffalo gets.

  11. A thanks to all veterans.


    Last night I was at a cell group meeting, which are small meetings of members of my very large church, where people sing and study the Bible in the home of the group leader or others. People bring their children.


    After the Bible study we eat.


    Last night a first grader queried us while we were eating. 'Do you know what Veteran's day is?' he asked. 'Why don't you tell us..' was the response. 'It's to remember people who fight in wars and sometimes they die.'



    While talking earlier before we had begun our lesson, one of the men in the group, who volunteers some of his time in a hospice, was talking about the death of a man who was a Montonyard ( I do not know how to spell this.....). They were either Cambodians and Laotians who had helped the Americans during the Vietnam War. After the war, the US brought many of them to the US rather than leave them to be killed off by the communists. It's good to be remebered for your service, no matter who you are.

  12. I have had exactly one cavity, and it was discovered by my dentist less than a year ago. I had to get a filling, but it was real cool because my dentist used a camera and the computer screen he had in the room to show me the actual cavity. It was very obvious, and in early stages of decay.


    Go to the dentist!

  13. Now that Gamera has seen all of Enterprise, I will again ask the question:


    should the spoiler policy be continued? Current policy is that the spoiler should be used in discussing plot details of Enterprise Episodes. I have actually allowed threads to proceed without spoilers if there is a strong spoiler warning in the thread title.


    The question: does anyone feel the need to continue using spoilers within the threads? If no to this, do you feel there is still a need for spoiiler warnings at the start of threads?


    I would particularly appreciate hearing from those who were trying to see one or two seasons of Enterprise when it was decided to continue the spoiler policy.


    Have you seen the seasons you mentioned at that time?

  14. I want to talk about the Vulcan trilogy and syndication as a whole.





    There is additional conversation about the Vulcan Trilogy in the subforum above rating Enterprise episodes.


    I know, but I did it here in the interest of the discussion. Am I not allowed to talk about the episodes in the main forum?


    I'm sure mj was only directing you to more info on your topic of interest.


    This is exactly correct. If you were not allowed to start a new topic, or if we thought the topic was redundant, we would have merged threads.


    For information purposes I was trying to point out that there are many additional interesting comments on

    the Vulcan trilology in this forum, and where to find them.

  15. I guess my question is to VBG and others who consider the term to be only negative.


    Are you saying you consider Jeff Foxworthy's humor in the same light as rappers using the 'N' word? I had thought that he (Foxworthy) had taken control of a term that had almost exclusively been used negatively, and made it into a cultural term with endearing qualities. It is like he has embraced a culture by changing and enlarging the context in which the word is used.


    I have never seen humorists do the same with the 'N' word. When black comedians use the 'N' word in their humor, it is still meant to be something negative, and is used in a context where it is still putting someone down.


    As I said above, when I was growing up if someone said redneck, they meant a racist. I do not think the term is exclusively used that way anymore.


    Also this is the first time I have heard that anyone considers the term as pejorative as the 'N' word. I will be careful not to use it.


    But again, what about JF's usage?

  16. No, and I am almost 50. I had no talent in Home Ec in Junior High School. I made an skirt with a 14 inch waist, something I never remember possessing. My home ec teacher made me try the skirt on anyway......a rather humiliating experience...we knew I had lost some of the material somewhere. The grade earned in that class was not one of my better grades......


    I can crochet Afghans, if I have an easy enough pattern.