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Posts posted by Mike

  1. Also whether you hate or like Shatner, you should check out the movie Free Enterprise.  It's a romatic comedy that involves 2 Star Trek fans who meet their hero William Shatner and find out that he's not all what they expected.  Shatner does an over the top performance in playing himself.  Good flick check it out.

    I've never heard of this movie..I'll have to check it out..Is it a recent movie?..Not that it matters..Just curious..

  2. I would like to complete by Trek DVD collection buy buying DS9 Seasons 5-7 and TNG Seasons 5-7..Also the Movies as they are specially realeased..Movies 5-10..I am very hopefull that eventually TOS will be released in Season sets..Wouldn't that be cool..I too would love to attend a Trek Convention at some time that would be lots of fun..Oh, and my number 1 Trek ambition is to go to 'The Star Trek Experince next spring for the Borg invasion.. :bow:

  3. I'm sorry, but there's nothing sexy, as you so put it, about T'Pol nor Hoshi.  While I do find Hoshi to be asthetically pleasing, with me liking foreign women, I just don't find her to be attractive.
    (i dont care who you are there is no way you can disagree with me and if u do are are flat lying.Even a gay guy would agree with me)

    Sorry, but not everyone thinks they are attractive like you, people can actually think differently about what's attractive and what's not. :bow:


    So CJLP what do you find attractive?..How can you say that T'Pol and Hoshi are not attractive?..Let's hear it..There have been many attractive females on Star Trek over the past 37 years..Who do you find attractive?...


    Just curious...

  4. I don't know what all the commotion is on this thread..I still haven't seen any nudity on Enterprise or any other Star Trek show...And I happen to like the Trip/T'Pol scene..I thought it was well done and I did find it humorous..What is wrong with showing a little skin now and then..Did anybody object to Trip taking off his shirt?..Oh, that's OK..But when a female shows some skin you all get yourself so worked up..Oh get over it will you..What's the big deal?..


    Just my opinion..I'm untitled to my opinion just as much as CJLP or anybody else..

  5. Prior to Enterprise I had heard that there was talk of a series with Sulu in command of the Excelsior..It could have been a good series..But we'll never know for sure...I had also heard that Janice Rand was going to be a Bridge Officer just like in St VI..That would have been neat.I've always wished she was more involved in Star Trek..Oh well..It never happened and we'll never know how good Sulu would have been as a Captain...

  6. Not much of a story behind it but here it is..I've had this username for probably 7 years now..I use it on many different sites and on my AOL IM and E-Mail address..I was looking for a unique name..It comes from my love of Space stories and I've always liked tigger..Hence Spacetigger.. :clap:

  7. Remember, if you post during the week of the show please put any details in a Spoiler. Many people won't see the episode until it's Saturday airing.


    I voted for #4. I loved everything except the Theme song changing. If the theme was the old one or if it had been changed last season I'd likely vote #5

    I'm in total agreement with you VBG..I voted #4..The only thing I didn't like is what they did to our opening song...It sounds real bad in my opinion..They should have left it alone..

  8. I just don't understand what you have against such scenes CJLP..It's not like they're showing nudity..Seems like you believe that every part of the body should be covered at all times..How boring..I don't see things changing..If you don't like it..Don't watch it..Most everybody else don't seem to have a problem with it..