
The Founders
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Posts posted by Turak

  1. replicators won't happen any time soon. we don't have the technology to manipulate matter on the molecular level. at least not enough to create solid objects. we might be able to do a few small things and splice a few atoms here and there, but that's a far cry from making a 7-course meal from thin air

  2. For love reflects this life we live. If you can't handle all of the imperfections of this life stay away from love......For when you say "I love you to anyone".......you are saying, I am there for you......whether it is your child, your friend, your lover, spouse....whoever......you are also saying, I will not hurt or abuse you intentionally, I accept you regardless, I will forgive your imperfections, I will be there for you during difficult times.....in other words, you can count on me.........I find especially when there is romantic love, couples get so caught up in the intimate aspects, that they forget that there is more to life than the intimacy. In fact much of their love is shallow and doesn't go far beyond the physical........if you ask them why they love the person....they can't tell you very much.........I know I'm writing too much here.......but LOVE is a very powerful word. It has a beautiful meaning. And yet, I find some take it lightly; don't understand it, abuse it and use it as a means of control.

    That is the most mis-understood aspect of it in my opinion too. Most people, including my last long relationship, don't take it into account. it's all physical and nothing else. The only thing you left out is honesty. A relationship cannot continue without honesty, and it cannot be build on sex alone. I'm a firm believer of that. Always have been. Glad to see there are others like me who don't just say "I love you" becuase it sounds good.

  3. Just because it's called 'Star Trek' doesn't mean that we are obliged to support it. If it is not to a high standard then even true fans will stay away or if it's a TV show, will switch off. Blind faith and loyalty in Trek doesn't help the franchise at all.



    I couldn't figure out a way to put that into words, but thats how I feel EXACTLY!


    Quality, not Quantity

  4. The clip was fun to watch, cheesy and unbelievable, and very well made for amateurs. I was very impressed with that. The worst thing is, very little of what they proposed was origional. Kirk getting resurrected and meeting back with Spock was from Shatner's book "The Return" which was the 2nd in the "Odyssey" Trilogy. They just told the story as him in the Nexus, whereas in the book the romulans take his body, with Spock standing over the grave. Still fun to watch, but usually i tend to look for the little things :wow:

  5. yeah, but she's dead now so it's over. Voyager kicked her *buttocks*, and she felt the wrath  :wow:

    Actually, it's the 3rd time we've seen her die, so chances are, we'll see her again. :huh:

    I don't know..the unicomplex was destroyed..if she survived, then long live the borg :wow:


    Regarding the Chakotay spiritual eps. -- I agree -- they did get tiresome; however, I really feel TPTB did his character a disservice.  He seemed to fade into the background in order to ensure the Captain was in command.  I've read they did this b/c they were worried the audience wouldn't believe a female Captain would be taken seriously by the core ST audience.  Be that as it may, this really hurt the Chakotay character, IMHO.  And, when Seven came on board, well forget it!  It became the Janeway/Seven show.  Kate Mulgrew admitted it in several interviews.  She felt not only Chakotay -- but the rest of the crew were reduced to supporting roles.  Thankfully, Chakotay got back a bit of his own in Equinox, but eps. such as those were few and far between.


    I noticed that too. I've read he wasn't happy with the direction he character ended up going, and I can't blame him. That was the one major flaw with the series. Too much dependancy on one character. Also, my roommate never watched Voyager and basically refuses to watch still ONLY because of the female captain aspect. Some ppl just need to learn to have an open mind and realize what year it is!

  7. I think they should wait a while before starting production on another movie. The market is far too saturated right now with Trek, and in turn, the franchise is in danger of going belly-up. So give the general public some time away, then boom a new ship, new crew, whatever needs to happen. Absence makes the heart grow fonder, after all

  8. BEST


    Blink of an Eye




    Flesh and Blood

    renissance Man



    Dark Frontier





    The Fight


    and i don't hate the Chakotay eps that went into his Native American background, but it got a little annoying to me at times