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Posts posted by M_5

  1. The volunteer fire department is dumping the pressure from a hydrant about a quarter-mile from my house.The noise is so loud all my dogs are barking,and my younger sibs are waking up.

    Honestly,what doofus schedules this sort of thing at this hour of the night (or morning,depending on your point of view)?

  2. Well....my fan fic ship started out a Nebula-Class starship.It was destroyed in an encounter with Romulans and Klingons (Section-31 stuff,very hush hush....kept quiet).She was replaced by an older model Excelsior shortly prior to the Dominion War.

    Well,okay...the fan fic doesn't mention Section 31 by name,but it does envolve a shadowy Federation "Men In Black"-style organization that I later decided to suggest was S31 :lol:

    If I ever do sim',my vessel will be the venerable USS Lord Nelson NCC-10312.

  3. I don't see why Depp shouldn't have been cast (his moronic political views aside).

    Its going to be hard following up a great like Gene Wilder.I grew up with Wilder's Willy Wonka.

    But the previews of Depp's Wonka have looked pretty good so far.

    My little brother is going to see it.

  4. :(

    I just read a news report from Kenya about a 73-year old farmer killing a leopard with his bare hands!

    The guy was working in his potato and bean field when the leopard rushed him from the bush.He dropped his machete when the beast tackled him,but said that he heard "God" tell him to reach into the leopards mouth and rip out its tongue....he did and it worked!

    His village declared him a hero.

  5. ChiFire has a thing for GA.

    I have a lot of his older stuff,like from the early 80's (even though,back then I was more into Marvel.I must've been insane :( ).

    Actually,I didn't even mention the boxes of comics I have in rental storage.....

    I know I should sell a lot of my collection off,or something.I have too much.But I'm a packrat.I can't. :)

  6. ^knows who Mia Dearden is?


    Hey, how many comics DO you have. i have stacks of them in my room.



    I've been a total superhero geek since I was a kid.Been collecting seriously since '79 or 1980.Once worked at a HUGE comic store in Kansas City (where I added extensively to my collection via the 5-finger discount :( )....

    Since then I've bought my comics over the Internet.I have thousands...mostly DC,though I also like Dark Horse and have a small mountain of their titles (particularly the Star Wars and Godzilla DH books).

    For the past 10-years I've been into collecting everything Batman,though for the past several months I've been more interested in Superman and Teen Titans Go!

  7. It worked...Hahahahaha!

    A friend of mine told me that if I continued to decline Comcast's offers to install high-speed internet service on my PC,they'd keep lowering their prices.

    A week ago they wanted $50 installation fee and $50 a month for the service.Three days ago they dropped the installation fee.Two days ago they lowered the offered monthly rate to $29.95 for 1-year...this morning they lowered it again to $19.95 for 1-year,with no contract. :(

    I'll give in tomorrow.Maybe by then Comcast will want to pay me to accept their services.

  8. The Final Frontier is the only Trek movie I've ever watched and wondered "I wonder what else is on tv?".So,I guess that's my least favorite.

    Generations was okay....at least the TNG parts.I didn't see much reason to bring Kirk and Company into the picture.And killing Kirk off just really ticked me off at the time.It was pointless.There was no need to "pass the torch".The torch had already been passed eight years earlier.

  9. I remember thinking,"I can't believe Picard is putting Ro Laren in this situation."

    She was destined to fail!Placing Ro in the position of assisting the Federation and ultimately,the Cardassians by infiltrating the Maquis was stupid,considering her past.I can't believe that there wasn't another crewmember on that ship who couldn't have pulled off that assignment in Ro's place.A security officer,for instance.

    Huge lapse in judgement by Picard.

  10. I played Pop Warner football,and football from grade-5 through high school.I played baseball in jr high.And I wrestled in the 8th grade,and then again my sophomore year in high school.

    I also went in for karate for a while as a kid.I quit after reaching yellow belt status,which isn't very advanced.During our practices this cute little blonde girl would kick my butt,and at home my brothers would really rib me about it....so I quit. :(

    I thought about sports the two-years I was at SE Missouri State,but I was so swamped with the workload from my classes that I had no time for that.

  11. I've never viewed Section 31 as "evil".

    In fact,they are a very neccessary branch of Federation security.

    I use to roll my eyes whenever Julian Bashir and Ben Sisko would whine about Sloan and Section 31.Didn't Sisko and Garak murder some Romulan diplomats to bring the Romulans into the war?

    Section 31 rocks! :(