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Posts posted by Klingonmike

  1. I've gotten emotional in a few films. I cried watching "E.T." when the little alien seemed to die. I got a lump in my throat during "Indepedence Day" when the president gave that speech before going out to fight the aliens. I got a little teary eyed in "Star Trek: Search for Spock" when the Enterprise blew up and burned up in the atomosphere. Even in the film "Armageddon" I dropped a tear or two when the little boy looked at the TV and said "Look mommy,its that salesman" and the mother hugged the kid and said " No, thats your father"


    On the humorous side I started laughing at the beginning of the film "Animal House" and didn't stop laughing until we were leaving the theatre,Funniest movie I've ever seen!

  2. For me its President John F. Kennedy, I believe he is one of the best presidents this country has ever had,right up there with Roosevelt,Lincoln, and Washington. Personally I think he's the last great president we've ever had. He not only was good for the country but he is a war hero as well,saving most of his crew in World War II after his vessel, the PT 109, was sliced in half by a Japenese destroyer.

    Even with his back in alot of pain he pulled and swam while carrying a critically wounded sailor for miles until finding an island they could get to.

    And it was his dream that man go into space and explore and he was the man that challanged America to get to the moon in less than a decade, and we did it!


    When he was assassinated, I was there to witness an entire country in mourning for the loss of a truly dynamic leader. I wish we had more presidents of his calibur today.

  3. Military technology has grown by leaps and bonds since my Army days. I use to drive the M-60-A1 tank, most everything in my tank was pretty much the same kind of technology used by tanks in earlier years during the Korean war. Now there is the Abram M-1 tank. I had the chance to get inside one back when it was just a prototype and it was like being in a starfleet shuttle,most everything inside is now computerized with little moniters and buttons all around with a turrent that is controled by gyros to keep the main weapon level as the tank moves. My old tank at max speed was around 45 miles an hour (And thats downhill) compared to the Abrams which can get up to 65 mph.

    Military technology continues to grow and get better,who knows, maybe the Terminator storyline could eventually come true! :tank:

  4. I heard them talking about it on the radio this morning. I remember thinking about putting together a survivors kit grocery list for March 20th 2014: get beer,get canned goods, get beer, toilet paper, oh yeah and get beer!

    If its the end of the human race I want to go happy! :bow:

  5. I would buy a couple of houses,one on the Outer banks of North Carolina,one in Key West, one in Hawaii,and one in Tahiti. Then I would buy a lear jet and hire my brother-in-law to fly it for me (hes a pilot for Southwest Airlines).

    I would give a couple of million to my family, I would then put a few million in savings where i could just live off the intrest alone. I would go to Europe alot (Especially Amsterdam,I love that town). I might even invite everyone on the boards here and pay for them to come play with me on the beaches of the Bahama Islands.

    And last but not least,I'd buy me a Harley Davidson motorcycle!


    The rest of my life would be a big party!

  6. I'm still waiting to see some sexual scenes on Enterprise! I saw more sexual themed episodes on Deep Space Nine! People running around in underwear does not make it sexual in my opinion. I think its funny when people talk about all the sex they see on Enterprise and I start to wonder if I'm seeing the same Enterprise they are! Its the one with Archer right? When I see something I find sexual I'll let you know!

    Dio the commercials that run during Enterprise count? I've seen some pretty sexy Victoria Secret Ads during Enterprise! :laugh:

  7. You left out the show "Firefly" I really liked that show and they cancelled it with out showing all the episodes! There were 3 episodes left and Fox didn't show them. I was so pissed. I heard they are going to be showing the entire series in the UK, but that doesn't do me any good here.

  8. I don't think they would have to re-work Roddenberry's stories. If there is a war then we see them fight. They can do scenes where we see the Romulins its just the crew of Enterprise that never sees them or the other human crews.That will keep the continuity completely intact. If you start to screw around with Roddenberry's stories then you will really piss off the Star trek fans!Argh.gif

  9. I know a couple of actors that have been on Star Trek as different characters, I could always e-mail them and see if they would like to stop by. One of the guys is Norman Large who played Proconsul Neral in the TNG episode "Unifacation parts I and II" and I also know Larry Pressman who played Legate Ghemor on the DS9 episodes "Second Skin" and "Ties of Blood and Water"

  10. I agree,TNG had a couple of really bad episodes Like "Skin of Evil" and the epsiode " The Royale" was a piece of crap."Menage `a Troi" was kinda dumb too.


    Enterprise has had some really good original episodes like "Cogenitor", "First Flight" and "Cease Fire"


    Enterprise is a welcomed addition to the Star Trek universe.

  11. I was at a tie and underwear party (Everyone shows up in only ties and underwear) and it was taking place on the 2nd floor of our apartment building and this guy Norm (who was drinking quite a bit that night) dove to catch a frisbee that someone tossed while on the balcony. Well needless to say Norm caught the frisbee but he also found himself falling because he dove off the balcony to catch it. he hit the ground and bounced down a hill a good ways taking out a few saplings along the way. He was unconsous when we got to him and one of the other partyers called 911. After a few minutes he began to come around and he looked up at us and said "What happened?", a friend of ours smiled back at him and said "Well Norm, its simple. You fell down and went boom!" This caused Norm to start to giggle and he wanted to get up but we told him just to lay still until someone checked him over (He was actually ok,just a couple of bumps and scratches,being really drunk actually helped him from getting hurt bad!)

    The best part was when the ambulance arrived and the crew got out and was greeted by a couple of very lovely ladies wearing only bow ties,panties,and bra who were excitedly saying "Over here! Over here!" The looks on their faces was priceless as the came upon the scene to see about 40 or so people in various types of underwear standing around Norm and drinking beer. It was a festive night!


    The tie and underwear party is still an annual event every summer on the Outer Banks of North Carolina. Its one of the best parties I know! :assimilated: