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Posts posted by ensign_beedrill

  1. NO PECAN PIE!!!!!???! (That's acutally an in joke with my family.)


    But seriously. No pecan pie? Why not? Pecan pie is the best. Ever. Period.


    Next I'd say buttermilk pie.

  2. Most episodes include some kind of trouble, so perhaps it's because you're watching people in a worse situation than you?


    I think it's probably just loafing and watching something you like that makes you feel better, not necessarily Star Trek.

  3. Does anyone know if they sell these anywhere? I really would like one.


    I'm talking about the episode "Take Me Out to the Holosuite" where Sisko's team plays the Vulcans.




    I love baseball and it was actually Star Trek that made me go check out my first game.

  4. My sister had a betta fish once. She named it Pices. I named it Data. It would always annoy her that I called him Data the Betta. But I thought it had such a nice ring to it. Data the Betta. Actually, I have a picture of him on my home computer I think. Maybe I'll put up a photo when I get home.


    Also, you know how you can name your computer devices? I have a thumb drive named Elim. My MP3 player is named Damar. I think I once named a C drive the Enterprise. I had another printer named Weyoun. I need a name for my new printer/scanner. Maybe Dukat.

  5. So can you play it by yourself on the computer? I thought I read somewhere that it was for 2 or more players. And nobody would want to play Star Trek trivia with me.


    Because you know it all? :)


    Sounds like fun, but I don't have anyone to play with so it'll probably just stay on the list of things that would be neat to have but probably never will. Also on the list:




    full version of Photoshop

    common sense

  6. Not into it at all. It totally goes against Spock's character.


    1. She's his student. His student. He wouldn't strike up a relationship with a student.

    2. He's betrothed. Engaged. Whatever. He's been set to marry T'Pring since he was a kid and he's not the type to break tradition.

    3. It took weird alien spores to get him to be all kissy.

    4. Even disregarding all of the above, there's no way he'd let Uhura kiss him in public. Nooooo way.


    Plus, I like the idea of Spock/Christine. And I would have been put off if that had been the relationship in the movie, too. Because it's not Spock.