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Posts posted by 8247

  1. The recent episodes, The Breach, The Crossing, the one with Archer in the Klingon court, and the others in this season seem to be showing the promise that we all hoped that it would show. The characters are starting to develop their own personalities, and the storylines are becoming fast and interesting rather than...dull. I especially liked when Phlox fed the tribble to the snake. lol

  2. I have to be honest...If I inherited it right now, I would start off by trying to help the world, but I would then realize that no matter what I did, the idiot people of Earth would continue to screw things up no matter what I did. I would then indulge myself with everything that Earth has to offer, then, I would move on.

  3. Also, after Hawk had been shot, the camera zooms out to end the scene. You should only see 2 people walking...(Picard and Worf) but you see 3 people walking.

    Also, when Picard is showing Lily the window, and Australia is there, there is an island missing from the scene. New Zealand, I believe, but I'm not sure.

  4. Why do some Star Trek fans hate the term "Trekkie". I've always considered myself a Trekkie, and I'm damn proud of it. The first time I ever heard "Trekker", Leonard Nimoy said in an interview that Trekker was more acceptable to the fans than Trekkie. I've never liked the term "Trekker". Trekkie was first. Could someone please explain?

  5. First of all, I rate Broken Bow a 9. That was the best episode so far in my opinion. I rate it a 9 because I'd like to see an even better episode than Broken Bow. Judgement gets a 7 because it wasnt as good as Broken Bow, and I think they can make a better episode as an 8. I havent seen an 8 yet, so 7 is the highest that I can rate it.


    It was really cool to see that familiar set from ST6, and interesting to see the Durass family there. I liked the way that the Klingon defense attorney went to bat in the same way Worf's grandfather did for Kirk. I also think that he showed what he meant by real honor at the end of the episode when he had an oppourtunity to escape Rurapente. When he said "Not many people here have anything to live for." says it all in my opinion.


    Tune in next week when I review "Horizon"

  6. Is it just me or does it seem like TNN has chosen 15 different episode, and is only showing them...over and over again? Tonight, they showed the one with Troi getting pregnant. That's the third time I've seen that one in the last month. There are other episodes that they've repeatedly shown as well. Conspiracy was on for the third time in about a month and a half last week. The episode "Neutral Zone" (with the frozen humans and the Romulans) was on for the 4'th time in 2 months. And dont get me started on ST uncut. There's nothing uncut about it. Also, I'd like to see Star Trek 6 again. All they show is 2,3,4, and 5. I'm glad UPN isnt doing that with Voyager.

  7. I accidently voted for N-C-C 1701 No bloody A,B,C, or D. lol. I meant to vote for A, but I can only use my left hand right now, and I messed up. I chose A because there is something noble and majestic about it in the same way that the old wooden ships just had that appearence. Enterprise A has that same feel.

  8. I have to out do myself every year. This year, I got my boss REALLY good. I am a musician with 2 CDs out. I have my songs on a couple mp3 sites as well as kazaa. My boss knows this, and she is a singer who also has a CD. She knows how much I wanted to "make it". Yesterday, I made up a name, and sent myself an email saying that I was an A+R rep from Atlantic Records, and that he had heard my songs on one of the mp3 sites, and that he wanted to fly me to LA to talk to me. I printed it out, and I even burned out the "from" line on the email with a cigarette so that she wouldnt see my email address. I ran into the office, and pretended to be very excited. I started stammering, and she asked me what was wrong, and I continued to pretend to try to talk, and I just handed her the email. I said "It's real. I called the phone number, and he didnt want any money from me, and that he is going to send me a plane ticket."

    She was speechless for a second, then got this huge grin on her face. "That's GREAT!", she says. She continued to cheer me about it, and told everyone that I work with the "good news". They were all excited for me as well. I let it go for about 2 hours, then I said the magic words "April Fools" Oh, boy she got mad. Not only did I get her, I wound up getting EVERYONE that I work with. It was great. :wow::wow:

  9. Thursday, I go in to have surgery on my shoulder. I have a bone spur the size of my thumb in it, and over the years, it has caused rotator cuff damage. I'm going to have the spur removed, and the rotator cuff repaired. I've never had surgery before, and people tell me that shoulder surgery is VERY painful. I dont know if they're just trying to scare me or what. I just know that my surgery is at 12:30 PM, and that I wont be able to eat anything after midnight tonight, and I wont be able to drink anything after 8:30 tomorrow morning, or have my morning cigarette. I'm not one of those people who doesnt eat breakfast, and I usually drink about 2 gallons of water a day. And, I smoke. I'm going to be very grouchy by the time I get there tomorrow. I'll be hungry, thirsty, and jonesing for a cigarette I wont lie, and say I'm not worried about it because I am. Does anyone have any pointers?

    Also, you might see some typos in my posts over the next few weeks. lol. I'm right handed, and my right arm will be up in a sling.

  10. It was just a matter of time before I found this post. My favorite bands are Queensryche, Judas Priest, Iron Maiden, etc. I also like Steve Vai, and Joe Satriani. The vocals of Geoff Tate (queensryche) and Rob Halford (Priest), and heck, why not? Ripper Owens (Priest's new singer) are very good. Not everyone has that kind of vocal range, and the people who could do it well needed to do it. It was GREAT.

    ConnorExum, I'm assuming you are a guitarist. I am as well, but I perfer singing lead vocals. In a band, I do both. I have a high vocal range, but I dont use it as much as the 80's metal singers did. I use it for an occasional accent. While I like the 70's guitarists...Iommi, Young, etc. I'm more partial to Chris DeGarmo, (Queensryche), Paul Gilbert (Racer X), and the others in that bracket. Even Oz Fox from Stryper was great. (admit it.) lol.

    Today's "guitarists" if you want to call them that cant hold a candle to the 70's or 80's guitarists. :) :bow:

  11. There were quite a few episodes that I really liked in those seasons, but I agree with you about some of the acting (never Brent's though) especially Tasha's "I'm your friend and you tricked me" thing. I mean, first af all, how was she tricked? Second, I hate when they try and do that delayed re-action thing for commic effect - it's very rarely funny. Thirdly, HOW WAS SHE TRICKED??? (And do you think maybe they were trying to make the point that Tasha really didn't like Data? I mean, it was the episode after Naked Now and she's already attracted to someone else?? grrr. However, I'd like to believe that the virus just brought out people's secret desires - geordi to see, wesley to captain the ship, picard/crusher, troi/will and...DATA/TASHA! ha!)

    The "You tricked me thing" was in Code of Honor. Here's another one...Encounter at Farpoint... screaming at Q. "You have NO idea what STARFLEET is! ...WHAT IT REPRESENTS!!!" Q wasnt talking about Starfleet. He was talking about humanity in general. I couldnt stand all her overacting...Just Tasha over quotes could be a hot topic post of its own. lol

  12. I have a question. I have always liked Data, but he wasnt my favorite. Dont get mad at me please. :bow: I never knew until I started posting at this, and other boards that he had such a fanbase, and is likely the most favorite character ever. My question is simply "Why?" Like I said...Please dont get mad at me. I'm not trying to make fun of you. :)

  13. Go ahead and IM me if you want. If I'm here, I'll answer.


    Contact me on Yahoo Messenger (billselby9773), and I can send you a file of some of my music


    Is any of your music on the net that you could post a link in the Holodeck off-topic area?

    Not yet. I am working on it.

  14. I have just started watching Voyager, I didn't really like it at start, my view has changed, but it is still not as good as Enterprise and not close to TNG, at least not yet.. Have only watched the first season though.. I think there is much to little contact with other ships and to much space phenomenas.. Ah, well, i'm sure the others seasons will be better, they always are..

    Dont give up on Voyager. It became my favorite series after the first 2 seasons. :bow:

  15. After seeing all the episodes for a third, fourth , fifth, etc time, I'm shocked that TNG survived after the first season or 2. When I see an old episode coming on, I wont watch it. I know the series had to develope, but here's a Tasha quote from Code of Honor. (kind of) Troi had asked her if she was attracted to the king? Was he a king? anyway..."Well, at first, I was flattered, and I...TROI, I'M YOUR FRIEND AND YOU TRICKED ME!!!!"

    It just seemed like the actors were straining all of their lines.

    Wesley, even though I hated his character, in the first season, he was portrayed as an immature kid. I guess I'm not being fair, but really...Think about it. The first 2 seasons were clunkers. :devil:

  16. Mine? I'd have to say Earth. I havent been able to travel to any other planets to see them. My shuttlecraft broke down before I even took it out of our atmosphere, and I never got around to fixing it. It's been sitting in my lawn on blocks ever since. That's the last time I buy from the Ferengi Used Shuttle Lot.

    There's a lot here on Earth that I havent seen yet, so I decided to see all of Earth before I venture elsewhere. :unsure:

  17. Or did the writers have some kind of writer's block at this point in the season? Night before last, the episode "Live Fast and Prosper" was on. Last night, the one with Torres crash landed, and a primitive race doing plays about Voyager was on.

    Both episodes were about someone masquerading as Voyager's crew in one way or another. Dont het me wrong...Voyager is my favorite Trek series. I missed most of that season when it first aired, so these episodes are new to me.

  18. Is Cajun chef "Justin Wilson" still alive? It would be great to see him do an acting role...."Ooooweee, captain, wee gonna cook dis here frimp up with a wee little bit of cayonne peppa der, and a whoooole lotta hot saws, and wee gonna put a dabba salt, and a bunch of crushed on-yons, I taste it, and oooooweeeeeee, it's gonna be good, I gar-ron-tee!"


    I'd love it.