Vulcan IDIC

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Posts posted by Vulcan IDIC

  1. Oh yes, I've noticed that everytime I've watched it. I always thought that he let his character slip a little and it was actually Leonard Nimoy instead of Spock playing around with the rest of the actors in the water. I think they were just having a good time messing around. It happens right before Kirk throws him in the water and he's laughing at the others who are playing around in it.

  2. I have stood on it before. While I was out there it started misting lightly and the wind was extremely powerful. I have a picture of me standing there all bundled up in my jacket. It was very cold. My friends and I actually walked from our hotel on Fisherman's Wharf to the bridge. We started walking around 1:00 and finally made it there sometime around 6:00. Lets just say the bridge looked like it was a lot closer than it actually was and I think we later discovered that it was a good 6 to 7 mile walk from where we started. We took a bus back to the hotel becasue by that time it was raining and we were too tired to walk all the way back.

  3. Like the others have already stated it's probably a historical icon. I'm sure they have some sort of transportation other than transporters though. Perhaps some sort of hovercraft vehicle or something like it. The bridge certainly is an impressive landmark, built during the great depression and creating many jobs for out of work men.

  4. I was born in 1977 so for me President Reagan was the first President that I ever recognized as being president (even though I was born during the Carter administration). For me he will always hold a special place in my heart. May he rest in peace and may his family take comfort in knowing that he's in God's hands now and that his mind has been fully restored to him.

  5. Ok, I took it and here's mine.



    Myers-Briggs would say that you are an ISTJ (Introvert, Sensor, Thinker, Judger). In Star Trek language, you share a basic personality configuration with Spock and Miles O'Brien.




    People like you are generally logical, honest and upfront. You get impatient with phonies and people who are disorganized, though you keep your reactions to yourself, as you're usually cautious and quiet, though not timid. Others find you reliable and will count on your being there in times of need. You make a loyal and responsible friend, though only when others remember that you're conservative in nature.


    You're literal, realistic, and practical. You're a hard worker who does very well in highly detailed situations, as you're careful and precise.


    You are also somewhat resistant to change and comfortable with routine. When change occurs, you'll be the last one to fit it into your routine, but you'll become an expert in time. You work much better to adapt to change when you see practical benefits.


    Your primary goal in life is to be of service and do your job well. Your best rewards are to be listened to and to be acknowledged for your hard work.



    Good careers for your type are operations officer, chief information officer, database administrator, police detective, and science officer.

  6. I don't really have any place to go this summer. I'm mostly just working except for the week that go to church camp with the high school kids as their counselor. I don't know if that constitutes being a vacation or not, lol.