
The Founders
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Posts posted by dsbs

  1. I wonder if Data was perfectly happy to be lietenant commander forever?? (grrrrrrrrrrrr). Sorry. Anyways, captain sure seems like one of the most interesting starfleet jobs. What do admirals really do except go insane?

  2. I sincerelly (oh boy) hope that they don't bring Data back as B4. That's like shoving in everyone's face that he was just a computer, which the entire series tried to prove wrong! There are plenty of other ways to bring him back.

  3. That;s really so shallow "you watch a TV show I don't like so I wont be friends with you"...or maybe it's more like "Star Trek isn't cool, so you aren't "cool" so I don't like you". Jeez, I truly hope that other intelligent life out there is smarter than us because I don't think there's any way we're making it off this planet. Which reminds me:


    I read an article about satelites a while ago - apparently, there are so many that are breaking that all the junk is flying into other satelites and eventually we'll have RINGS around our planet from space junk WE put there, essentially trapping us on Earth. gosh humans are stupid (I'm a little concerned right now, OK? this isn't meant to offend anyone).

  4. I believe Worf smiles a total of 5 times throughout TNG


    Also, I thought Riker was...off during that scene (even though it was funny). He reads the lines all serious and shakespearian, and then when Beverly tells him that the lines are from Data's poem he says "I know". Well, why was he reciting the lines for so long and so convincingly if he knew? Why?


    That scene alwasy reminds me of the one in Disaster (I think?) when Beverly tries to get Geordi to sing (leVar has a pretty nice voice, actually)

  5. lol - then can we count on a few more trekkies or will they just stop making fun of trekkies now...It was a really good article (and I'm glad she included Data and McCoy in her list of must-knows. I also liked the description of Janeway, lol)

  6. I luckily never got picked on - people just rolled their eyes at me, oe me a geek. They didn't really care.


    Here, it's all good, though! Conradulations once again. What's gonna happen when you guys run out of ranks to be promoted to?