Q stole my bike

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Posts posted by Q stole my bike

  1. You would serve in starfleet as a Lt. Commander. Your assignment is in engineering. Any of the following positions could be available:


    Propulsion Engineer

    System Maintenance Technician

    Impulse Engineering Specialist

    Chief of Impulse Propulsion Systems

    Warp Core Supervisor

    System Diagnostic Engineer

    Duty Engineer

    Damage Control


    Technology tells us how far we can go in the universe. It tells us who we can talk to, who to help, who to teach, and who we can learn from. Engineers are always willing to experiment with new ways to increase the efficiency of the systems they work with. The only thing worse than a failed experiment is a failure to learn from it.

  2. I love rain! The best is when it's warm and raining, perfect for frolicing! Going swimming in the rain the fun too, 'cause when your head is underwater you can hear the drips hit the water, and it sound really cool. YAY!

  3. I've always thought the Romulans were based on the Roman Empire. I meam you can just look at the recent scenes of the Romulan home world and see that the have buildings the resemble ancient Roman stuctures.



    *nods* Romulus was also the name of the mythological dude who founded Rome. He had a brother named Remus who also founded a city, but the Romans conquered it. I say that they're based on the Romans.

  4. Ok, I'm sure we can come up with some good ones.


    -your other car is a runabout

    -you've worn a Starfleet uniform on any day other than Halloween

    -you've studied a language for fun (bonus if it was a sci-ri or fantasy lanuage, such as Klingon or Elfish)

    -you've built your own computer

    -you've found an old trashed computer and fixed it for fun

    -you've had a conversation (other than through the computer) in 1337 5p3@k

    -you own a 600 page book about fractals, and read it for fun

    -you understand ALL of the technobabble in Star Trek

  5. *sigh* today I found out about Enterprise being canceled and all, so I felt inspired to make some art inspired by this great show. Might do some more later. First, I ie you Shran, a la last Friday's episode. I kind of slacked off on his shirt, but I think the rest looks pretty good.


  6. It's too costly to make a TV show like ENT when it's getting such dismal ratings.


    I've never understood the appeal of UPN's other shows. I guess some people would just rather see skinny girls yell at each other. *pelts doughnuts at the cast of America's Next Top Model*

  7. I think he could be a productive member of soceity and keep his memories. I mean, plenty of real people can have a complete turn around. Plus, I know that if I was told about lots of stuff that I did, but had no memory of it I know I'd go nuts. Heck, I was creeped out this one time when I was drunk, went to sleep, then someone told me that I got up and walked around for just a few seconds, fell down, and went back to sleep, and I had just thought that I dozed off. It's really scary to know about things that you did, when you don't remember doing them. But I digress.


    Our experiences make us who we are, we learn from the things we did in the past. Maybe Lore could have learned from his past.