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Let's Chat Right Now

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The problem I have with the chat room is that it takes forever to load... :P



After you click the chat link you could go back to another browser and occupy while it loads...

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This is a ncie chat room with great people. Yet often I log on and am the only one there. Let's chat more. Boards are great but chat is better imo.

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This is a ncie chat room with great people.  Yet often I log on and am the only one there.  Let's chat more.  Boards are great but chat is better imo.




I couldn't agree more. The chatroom is never pushed on this site. Newbies are always invited to post but never officially welcomed into the chatroom. Its boring with just 1 or 2 people in there. The more people, the more interesting it gets. Plus, its way better than the boards.

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Maybe that's because of the timezones...


By the way, I'm going there now. :laugh:


Edit: No one is there.... :yahoo: I'll stick there to see if someone comes.


Edit2: Just left the live chat.



Edited by 3 of 7

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I'll be in the chat room later today.


Not exactly sure what time....But I'll be there (unless something comes up)





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I usually check out the chatroom between 6:00 pm and 7:30 pm est if anyone is interested.

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