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ESP - Do you believe in it?

Is ESP Real?  

10 members have voted

  1. 1. Is ESP Real?

    • Yes
    • No
    • I don't know, but sometimes I'll swear it is

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I'm just curious about everyone's thoughts on ESP. On Apollo 14 Edgar Mitchell (6th man to set foot on the moon) did some expiriments with ESP on the way out to and back from the moon.


What do you think? Is it real?

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I do believe in it. I believe I have a bit of it myself. I am constantly in situations where I just know something is going to happen and then it does or I know exactly what a person is going to say and then they do. Its hard to explain.

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I voted "I don't know, but sometimes I'll swear it is" real.



Man that's freaky, I was thinking the same thing... 306410.gif

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No, I don't believe in ESP - as it is typically defined or understood. But that doesn't mean I don't believe or haven't experienced knowing something was going to happen - but those events are usually personal to the person having the experience and I wouldn't call the reason 'ESP'. Example, a mother may have an impression to check on a child just in time to avert a disaster etc. That's different than guessing the next card in a deck.

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My thought on it for this thread was more of knowing what someone was going to say before they say it. Or more of constantly saying the same thing that somsone else is thinking before they have a chance to say it.


In some cases if you're talking about a specific topic and you both think of the same thing that would normal. But when you're talking about one topic and then mention something totally out in left field at the exact same time that the other person was thinking about it, and it happens more than once then there's some kind of something there.


I won't say it's ESP, but it's something lol

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In some cases if you're talking about a specific topic and you both think of the same thing that would normal. But when you're talking about one topic and then mention something totally out in left field at the exact same time that the other person was thinking about it, and it happens more than once then there's some kind of something there.


Possibly, but if you both share a lot of similar experiences the same stimulus may trigger the same thought in both of you. Example, I remember once when I was carpooling - I don't know what we were talking about but I blurted out "have you ever seen the movie What's Eating Gilbert Grape?" My friend laughed and said I was thinking the same thing. Why were we thinking this - there was a car in the opposite lane that was riding very, very low on one side. (if you've seen the movie you'll understand)


Now, if it happens with total strangers - well that's interesting.

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I don't believe in ESP. I do believe that some people have senses that aren't part of the traditional big 5 (Smell, sight, touch, taste, hear) that we associate with the nervous system. However, the brain is part of the nervous system as well and it may be that the brain receives stimuli that doesn't have to be filtered by nerve cells. It's not extra-sensory, it's just senses that haven't been catalogued.

Edited by Lt. Van Roy

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I don't know, but sometimes I'll swear it is


I don't know if it would be considered ESP but I believe that two people who are close can develop a connection that transcends the normal senses, where they can sense when the other has a problem or is in danger even when they are not anywhere near each other.

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I don't know. Sometimes me and my brother will be thinking in the same thing or get the same random song stuck in our head even though we haven't seen eachother all day. I think maybe our instinct might be confused as ESP sometimes, but who knows

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I don't think ESP is the right name for it, but yes I believe that we are all capable of heightened awareness, intuition some would call it. Some would call it a gut feeling, or instinct. Whether or not yours is more heightened than other people's would have to take into several different things I think. How "real" you are, how much your ego plays a part in your life, whether or not relying on your instinct was championed in your formative years, and so on.

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