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Florian Deenan

Ok ok!

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I'm back! Since I'm lazy and joined too many boards, I kinda forgot about certain fandoms. :P


Don't get me wrong! I still love Star Trek, always will. ^_~


Life just gave me a huge bite in the arse of reality.

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Hi Florian!! Hope your arse has healed nicely and your reality is once again whole. Nice to see you around again!

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Thanks guys. My arse is healing up nicely now.


I got myself a really great office job. I have room to grow and my boss hinted about a possible promotion in about a year or two. There's still so much to learn, so she's signing me up in every class she can so we can learn the policies and guidlines we need to follow.


PS: I'm in healthcare for people with End Stage Renal Disease, or Kidney Failure. So we're learning how to serve these people better. :blush:

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Hi And Welcome Back!!





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