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Jim Phaserman

Something that annoys me...

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Okay, so I was looking for a new Avatar to post here, and I went to Google and under image search, I typed "Cowboy". Now, alot of the stuff wasn't really what I was looking for, but I noted a few images from foriegn countries (Identified by stuff like and .au and the like) that seemed to be saying that being a cowboy was a bad thing. Now, personally, I've always thought Cowboys are like Jedi, you have the cowboys who fight for the "Light Side" and those who fight for the "Dark Side", but some of these sites seem to be saying that ALL Cowboys are bad! as someone who might identify with a cowboy I take offense to that! Why is it that Cowboys are looked upon as bad people outside the US?

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I don't think it's the cowboys that you're talking about that have a bad reputation. I believe it's moreso the 'Cowboys' type gang that really got the bad reputation. They were a gang of men that were identified by their red sashes and really did whatever they wanted, rape and pillage kind of thing. The regular cowboy never really got a bad reputation and some still aspire to be like them, especially in the U.S.

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They were considered outcasts by society, uncivilized, uneducated, etc.  In other words, someone a respectable citizen wouldn't want to be like.




Sounds like my kind of people... :congrats:


"I've Got Friends In Low Places" :congrats:

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I guess it also depends on what you mean by cowboy. The cowboy of the old west was a ranch hand, cattle herder who usually lived a solitary and physically demanding life. To some people the open range and sleeping under the stars seems romantic. I went to some "theme dinner" outside Jackson Hole that featured a "chuck wagon dinner" - I wouldn't have been too happy on the range eating that food, sitting all day on a horse and getting rained on etc.


I also live in a town that has a lot of cattle ranchers - and while Lt. Van Roy speaks of cowboys in the past tense - I use the term in the present tense. I actually saw people rounding up cattle one morning while driving to work. To me a cowboy is someone who rides a horse (non English style) wears jeans, cowboy boots and knows a lot about cows and horses. Some cowboys participatge in rodeos. They usually drive pick-up trucks and probably have the radio tuned to a country music station. And yes the stereotype of lack of education applies. But in reality to be a successful rancher or farmer you have to know a lot - but not about the stuff you write English papers about.


The cowboy life is not my preference but some days when I'm sitting at my desk and talking to rude people on the phone I do wonder how it would be to be on the open range with just your horse.


I think the term cowboy has been applied to Bush (aside from the fact he has a ranch) because he acts independently and that is one of the hallmarks of a cowboy - independence.

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Here are a few pics I found when I was reading Cowboy Poetry. Take any of them. Do you like cowboy Poetry Jim? It can get really crude but it's usually hysterical. :congrats:



post-897-1101169687.jpg<<-- I love this one :congrats:



Edited by Jeanway

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I live in Texas and people in California and other countries ask me if I ride a horse. IT'S RIDICULOUS!!!! Come on! Harris County (Houston) has 15% of the registered cars in the United States. I don't think you'll find many horses...


I also don't think that people should be dissing Texas. Without Texas, your oil would be a nice 20 cents higher per gallon. That's how much our oil is cheaper than the rest of the country.


People say that cowboys are stupid. Yes, I admit that Texans are relatively stupid, but you still have to consider that there are people who are of an IQ of above 130...


I've met quite a few of them. Cowboys and Texans are not stupid. We're cool.

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WAB, I didnt' see anyone 'diss Texas on this thread and I believe people referred to cowboys as "uneducated" which is a very different thing than stupid.


Plus, Texas isn't exactly the only state where you have cowboys so I don't see how cowboy = Texas

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The impression I got from growing up in New York is that cowboys are uncultured. I don't think cowboys are dumb or stupid. They are smart at what they do best. If you take a lawyer from New York and place him in the range he won't know what to do with himself. The same can be said of the cowboy.



Edited by Odie

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I was over on the NTC side of the base, in Civis with my cowboy hat on (Which I normally wear when I'm out not in uniform) and I bumped into one of the Chaplains. this chaplain is a Captain in the RN and here on assignment as an Exchange officer. he noted the hat, and we started talking about cowboys. He said some people in Europe consider Americans to be cowboys in general because of the fact that we (americans) like to do things our own way, like the Cowboys of old did. that, and because of our looser gun laws, people still consider the US to be the Wild West. It shed more light on this for me, especially since it was someone from outside the US commenting on it. now, why do I consider myself a cowboy? Because I like doing things my own way. and I know some of you wonder why, if I like doing things my way, I would join the Military. I'll answer that later, when I can formulate a real answer. also, I admire the toughness of cowboys, and I like to think that I am as tough as they are.

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I would think that people would have respect for cowboys. For one, they worked under less than ideal circumstances, doing jobs that not many people wanted to do, but they still did it, and they worked their butts off doing it. Also, they provided meat to many areas.


I think that the reason people look down on cowboys is that when they think "cowboy" they think Old West outlaws. You know, Billy the Kid and such.


I respect cowboys. I wouldn't want to do the work they do. I'd probably do it if I had to, but I wouldn't want to.

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