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Nanotechnology to fight cancer

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I think this could be very useful technology. From my limited knowledge I know that when cancer spreads out beyond where surgery isn't an option to remove it they have to use radiation and chemotherapy to fight it. From what I've witnessed these treatments can be devestating. I've seen people left so sick and weak from chemotherapy they couldn't eat enough to keep up their strength. If this technology allows doctors to destroy cancer cells individually without harming healthy cells it could be the 'cure' everyone hopes for.

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From what I've witnessed these treatments can be devestating. I've seen people left so sick and weak from chemotherapy they couldn't eat enough to keep up their strength.



Oh that's fun to read when you're waiting to find out if you have cancer. awkwardMSN.gif Anyway, I hope the nanite technology works, it sounds like a great alternative to the current treatments.

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hopefully it works, but the problem is that if they get out of control.... we're going to be in big trouble... :borg:

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