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Women's history Month

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dont you just adore the cut and paste function?? <_<


RC - yeah and every day is childrens day and every month is white history month and so on and so on. If so-called minority groups feel like they aren't recognised in general history, then wouldn't devoting only one month to it make it seem less important all the other times of the year?

Yes I adore the cut and paste way was I going to quote that long quote of mine!


No, it would motivate history textbook writers to begin to include demonstrated historical facts

about minority contributions in American History textbooks, which is exactly what happened only after those facts were regularly presented in special weeks or months.


As I said, if these facts had never been omitted, there would not have been a need to do anything extra. I don't think it even occurs to many white people that anyone but white Americans were over there fighting in Europe during World War II, but what harm is there in telling the truth? Segregated black troops were also over there fighting for their country!


And I do not regret knowing the history I know. I was taught about many many many white heroes, who I think of as my own American heroes especially the astronauts of the Mercury and Gemini and Apollo era...all white. I have scrapbooks full of Apollo to this day! And I don't buy into the rhetoric against white males. But the white friends I went to school with know very little of the contributions of black people, and without the special days, that would still be the case.

I have allways known about black troops in WWII, I learned it in history class. Plus, after I all ready knew it, I saw "The Tuskegee Airmen", and it's a great film! I think a lot of white people learn about black history.

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As someone who loves history I find what's taught in the public schools in the US is ridiculously inaccurate. Most of it borders on fiction, If you're interested in history you really have to educate yourself. :laugh:

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OH MY! This is disturbing, Ed just said that women were oppressed since the dawn of man and no one took offense to that? Even with a women's month with still have this stigma? Take the first city in known history, Sumer which is now modern day Iraq, it was a matirarch. Cleopatra, the native people of the lowland region of Canada and parts of America were a Matriarch.


Now you say we know "White Histoy" well I'm not "White" I am French, Irish, Native, and British. I had to find out for myself that the Irish were slaves of the British. I learned that my french ancestors the Acadians were shipped off on little boats to Louisana, and some were learned back at a point of mercy of the British which was a falsehood, they were let back because the British alienated the natives and were dying off by scurvy and the lack of knowledge in Canadian winters.


So don't you give me this BS about oppression because you guys saying that all the history is written about "White Men" because it is not true. This only shows why devoting months to women and African histories is a bad idea.

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I can't believe it...I don't know whether to be frustrated or furious. I am disappointed in all of you. (except ed and rikerchick) You're so busy arguing about "me, me, me" that you totally missed the point that this thread was an invitation to discuss the overlooked details of history.


If you are all so self taught and have such superior knowdge of everything as you indicate why haven't you shared some interesting facts with us.


**self edited rant*** Hooray, you win...let's all hunker down with our ignorance and be done with it.


And CJLP, the reason to learn anything is to not be ignorant.



Edited by TheUnicornHunter

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I can't believe it...I don't know whether to be frustrated or furious. 

I'm going with both right now :laugh:

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I can't believe it...I don't know whether to be frustrated or furious.  I am disappointed in all of you. (except ed and rikerchick) You're so busy arguing about "me, me, me" that you totally missed the point that this thread was an invitation to discuss the overlooked details of history.


If you are all so self taught and have such superior knowdge of everything as you indicate why haven't you shared some interesting facts with us.


**self edited rant*** Hooray, you win...let's all hunker down with our ignorance and be done with it.


And CJLP, the reason to learn anything is to not be ignorant.



Because I don't think there should be a month that segerogates almost 50% of the population you are dissappointed.

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This is just turning into a fight now. At the request of the original poster I'm closing this.

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