Sgt. Phaserman

Ships Crew
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Posts posted by Sgt. Phaserman

  1. There are only three countries outside of the US that I've been to, and I'd rather not go back to two of them. I went to Germany once, and found the experience...less than enjoyable. Australia I loved. I went there first on business, then with my wife on our honeymoon. the third country is Afghanistan. self explainatory on why I'd rather not go back, I think.


    Anyway, what are you talking about no NCO's? On DS9 the StarFleet engineering staff is made up completly of NCO's, hence Chief Miles O'Brien...

    We've only seen a handful of Non Commissioned Officers. look at the Enterprise D. the ONE "NCO" on that ship, Miles O'Brian, wore LT's insignia most of the time, and only worked the transporters. The fact is, we've seen WAY more officers on Star Trek than enlisted. it's highly disproportional. I might just need to be offended by it. as Jim will tell you, just because you are an officer, doesn't mean you can do everything.

  3. as a US Marine Corps DI, I see alot of people come into the Marines, but very rarely do I see someone who has such conviction with everything he believes in as I see in Jim. I wish EVERYONE who joined the military, not just the Marines, had his conviction. if they did, the United States would be unstoppable.

  4. if I have a peice of information wrong, I will concede that. as for my beliefs, one's beliefs I don't think can ever really be categorised in something so simple as "right" and "wrong". leave those labels for facts, not opinions, beliefs, or points of view.

  5. My photo is classified. Therefor it shall not be posted on the internet.


    Just kidding. I was thinking of putting the spread Playgirl did of me, but then I thought "ya know, that might get you in some trouble"


    Just kidding again. Really, I don't have a very good pic of myself.

  6. Possibly, Unadopted, it could be that this forum's censors were tailored to the American Dialect of English. we spell certain things differently than the English do, and there are a few differences in word meanings. for example, Brits and Australians refere to men as "Blokes", whereas in America, they are "Dudes" or "Guys". and if I recall correctly, "Bloody" is an Expletive.

  7. We are the Borg. Lower your shields, and surrender your ship. We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own. Your culture will adapt to service ours. Resistance is futile.


    reminds me of a proposed US Marine Corps recruiting poster


    We are the Marines. Open your doors, and surrender your Sons and Daughters. We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own. their talents will adapt to service the Corps. Resistance is futile.

    Very interesting... :bow: Where did you find it?



    Actually, a couple of buddies and I made it up and submitted it. didn't fly, but it was funny. the General did get a big kick out of it, though.

  8. Born and raised in the United States of America. I love my country. I wouldn't want to live anywhere else!


    I pledge Allegience

    to the Flag

    of the United States of America

    and to the Republic,

    for which it stands,

    one Nation



    with Liberty and Justice for all.


    OOH RAH!

  9. Ya know, adapting the voice activated light system to an elevator wouldn't be that hard. at least, I wouldn't think so. and if the power goes out, you're not going to rely soley on the electrical features, I hope. there'd probably be a manual override.

  10. I think if you look at it from a Sociological point of view, Nemesis has one hit against it already: it's a Star Trek Movie. weather good or not, the average population will say Star Trek sucks, therefor this movie sucks. the storyline itself wasn't great, and some of the diologue was....blah at best. but, Star Trek Nemesis does't come close to being in the top 25 of worst films of all time. Gigli on the other hand...

  11. I don't honestly get to watch Enterprise enough, but it would appear to me there are some timeline volations that MAY or MAY NOT be attributable to Berman. however, we don't make the call, Paramount does. if they think Berman needs to go, then his desk will be clear within two weeks and someone else's name will appear in the credits.

  12. We are the Borg. Lower your shields, and surrender your ship. We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own. Your culture will adapt to service ours. Resistance is futile.


    reminds me of a proposed US Marine Corps recruiting poster


    We are the Marines. Open your doors, and surrender your Sons and Daughters. We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own. their talents will adapt to service the Corps. Resistance is futile.

  13. For those who haven't realised it yet, Jim and I know each other IRL. I played football with him in High School, and in practice, I layed some seriously heavy hits on him. but, the hit I could put on him is probably nothing compared to what...say...Mike McKenzie from the GB Packers could put on him. going from getting hit by me to getting hit by Mike McKenzie is a big step.

  14. the one thing that does disturb me is that ocassionally, there are still people who will call me a baby killer, or a murderer. and when I am confronted with that, I just take it in stride, and say "Murderer? Baby Killer? No and no. but because of me and what I have done, you have the right to form your opinion the way it is. regardless of how stupid or idiotic I may find it."

  15. They call her the "Big E", and because of her, as Captain Jean Luc Picard, commander of another ship of the same name put it, "History will never forget the name Enterprise"


    there is an incredible lineage to this name in real life. the name Enterprise, or Enterprize, has been used by vessels in both the United States Navy and the Royal Navy throughout history. in fact, a vessel named Enterprise helped defeat the British in the battle of Lake Erie during the Revolutionary war. later, another ship named Enterprise participated in the war with the Barbary Corsairs. during World War II, the Aircraft Carrier USS Enterprise (CV6) wasn't the only fighting ship to bear this prestigous name. HMS Enterprise was an Emerald class cruiser, though I do not know of her battle record. EJP's wife actually served aboard the most recent incarnation of the Enterprise, and was a member of the crew on the morning of 11 September, 2001. the Enterprise CVN-65 turned all about and headed back to the South China Sea. May the name Enterprise resonate throughout history.

  16. Firepower is good, but just as important is how it is deployed. in this case, I would say the New Jersey, because she can attack an enemy from every direction. the Rodney has a very limited field of fire with all of her main guns mounted forward. Plus, the New Jersey is faster, and therefor can choose the distances at which the engagement is made. as for the Wisconsin, yes, she is the same class. she was involved in a collission with a destroyer, and had to have her entire bow replaced, so that's why she is larger. I've heard that a Nimitz class Aircraft carrier will make either of these two ships look increadibly small.