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Posts posted by Valeris

  1. I cannot post any of my drawings for two reasons. 1. They are all tiny things in pencil that are horrible because I did them in Spanish class because it is so easy and thus boring. 2. I do not have a scanner yet. I hope I will get one soon though! However, I have done a bit of photo editing in Paint and I have one or two things that could conceivably be considered fanart. Here is my first sample (also posted in my photo album):


  2. I agree. I hate the calendar we have right now. Were I some alien coming to observe Earth, I would all but give up because of the confusing dating system. Then of course difference religions have different holidays at seemingly random points in the year... I like the idea of the fixed calendar much better.

  3. hey, Ktrek, what do you mean the first two are the worst? I think they're the best ones! Don't tell me that Wesley coming back didn't interest "any" of you! Come on, that was the best part! I'd been waiting for that, and thoroughly enjoyed it. If only he hadn't done it with that girl he fell in love with it would have been better. Being aChristian, that made me mad.





    I am at the beginning of A Time to Hate right now. So far they are all pretty good, though for some reason it took me forever to get into A Time to Harvest.

  4. One particular Sunday comic incident from a few years ago stands out in my mind (sorry I no longer have the picture). I was reading Foxtrot and it had just one frame. There were a bunch of snowmen that were put together wrong and one of the kids (I cannot remember who it was) was standing at a console made of snow. His speech bubble read, "Scotty! The transporter is malfunctioning again!" or something like that. I remember being confused at the time, having never seen Star Trek. Mom tried to explain it to me, but I still did not get it, and so I vowed that I would remember that comic and one day understand it (yes, I was weird even as a little kid). I kept that vow! LOL :assimilated:

  5. It is we Romulans who are the great race, Klingon veruul! You sit in the hands of a Chancellor who, as James pointed out, is a human puppet, and we are still a proud race, able to rebuild our government again and triumph!


    And James, do not feel badly about taking so long to post. Rebuilding the government of an entire Empire is hardly an easy task, and were it to all be addressed in one long post, that post would take hours to read, especially as in-depth as you are analyzing the situation. I bow to your analytical skills (and your patience LOL). :assimilated: However, when dealing with the UFP, consider this: The Dominion War took a very heavy toll on them. Their resources are stretched very thin, starships and starbases need parts that cannot be made as fast anymore, and their fleet has lost many fine ships. Despite all their allies and almost-allies, they are severely weakened. It might be a good time to exert a bit more pressure on their borders particularly if we can weaken them from within as stated in your plan.


    I think we know who is the diplomat and who is the Fleet Commander. LOL Perhaps the Empire would be better in your hands. :wow:

  6. Too many to list... The Wheel of Time series by Robert Jordan, The Symphony of Ages series by Elizabeth Haydon, The Sword of Truth series by Terry Goodkind, Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling, and of course, a bunch of Trek books.