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Posts posted by Valeris

  1. I stayed up until midnight last night, typing a history paper, then woke at 0600 this morning, and now it is 2215 and I really ought to go to sleep. I do not feel like it though.


    Normally, I can only get a few hours of sleep and be fine. This week has been stressful though (as is always the week before spring break). It takes a long time for me to get to sleep under the best of circumstances anyway.

  2. I am tired. I stayed up until midnight last night, typing a history paper, then woke at 0600 this morning, and now it is 2215 and I really ought to go to sleep. I do not feel like it though. I will go post in that insomniac thread...

  3. I am a member of and I have to say that I love it and am obsessed with it. I both write and read- mainly Harry Potter fanfiction. The reason that I write is because I love writing. I will think about a book or an episode of some TV shows and new ideas for storylines will flood into my mind at an astronomical rate. FFN is a place I can share my thoughts with others and see if they like them and such. I want to know what people think of my writing now, as I intend to be an author someday, and I also just love writing. The reason I read is partly to satisfy myself while waiting for the next book/episode or because the series has ended and I want more. Some of the fics are crap, and some are wonderful. You just have to find the right ones.

  4. I really have no clue. I joined STFN a little over a year ago and I found that this was about the kindest site to newbies I had ever seen on the web. That is a lot of the reason this is the only forum I post regularly in. I had a good experience when I was new and I have watched others who were once newbies develop into regulars and now many of them are my best of friends! I find it just plain stupid to put someone down for being new as later they could be some of the best people one will ever meet.

  5. About a year ago, while on spring break, I went to my uncle's house in Oregon. I was severely disappointed that I was going to miss Star Trek while there, so, being the wonderfully nice man that he is, my uncle showed me his TiVo and recorded the episodes so I could watch them at the end of the day after the family finished doing whatever activity we were doing. Naturally, I fell in love with that machine and begged Mom forever to buy one for me. After moving to Kansas, Mom finally said yes, and thus I have had a TiVo for the better part of a year. Like VBG, I can no longer imagine TV without TiVo. I need not go through all the advantages, as he has already done that, but I can second his opinion and say that the TiVo is definitely worth buying despite the price.

  6. Well, from my experience at playing chess, standing allows one to think better at tactical. :P


    I think that standing would be better, though I personally would not enjoy standing for so long.

  7. How ridiculous. I am a North Carolinian and I do not even know what the ACC conference is! I think it is ridiculous how a sport can get so much attention. Yesterday, my school had a State basketball game, and in the town where it was being played, businesses and everything were shut down for the entire day so people could watch a high school basketball game. As the games today and yesterday were at 1500 hours, school was let out at 1230 hours for everyone. Sports are all well and good for those who like them, but when they interfere with things like school and real life, I think people should sit back to reorder their priorities.

  8. Getting back on topic, I have no clue. Was there anything special about the date on which there were so many guests?


    On the flip side, I was once the only person on the entire site. I took a screen shot of the members list to prove it, only it is on my other computer, on which the internet is currently down.