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Posts posted by Valeris

  1. Wow. You are suggesting putting intelligence operatives at the very heart of the Federation, which, while not impossible because of the human trust, would be difficult even for our Tal Shiar. That would make for a fascinating plot... *spooky voice* they're watching you... and it might actually be probable. Vulcans do not know that much about Romulans, as shown by even Spock's slight surprise at seeing the Commander in Balance of Terror. Perhaps there were some Vulcans who kept an ear out for news and when they realized the Romulans were growing much more powerful than them, decided to try to make allies. If they already had someone vouching for them in Vulcan government, it would be a lot easier to simply... extend their welcome a bit and and send Romulan operatives in as Vulcans. The key to this senario though is that there would have to be a Vulcan on one end. Otherwise the Romulans would have to do it themselves... again, not impossible, but difficult.




    romulans would never be able to act vulcan, not with them becoming all suraky and stuff. B)



    You would be surprised. *raises eyebrow*

  2. Which series do you like the best? TOS

    Which movie? The Undiscovered Country

    Have you seen all the episodes of any of the series? I keep track of every episode I see (yes, I am that obsessed). I have seen all but eight of TNG and I have all of TOS on DVD, though I have not watched all of them yet. I have seen all movies though. :P

    When and how did you discover Trek? My best friend, TSonofvulcan, finally persuaded me to watch Trek about one and one half years ago.

    Have you ever been to a convention? Sadly, no. I made Mom say she would take me to the Star Trek Experience in Vegas though, and I am hoping that since I now live in a big city, there will be conventions here.

    Have you seen any of the actors up close (not just close to the TV)? Again, no... but I have seen the original models of the 1701 refit and the 1701-D!

    Do you own a Starfleet uniform? Not exactly... I have a close approximation of one though that I wear all the time though!

    Have you ever dressed up as an alien? I am an alien and have dressed up as a human. I spy on real humans and report back to my home planet. We are going to invade Earth in six days and fifteen hours.

    Actually, no. I want to though!

  3. I will be a student for at least seven and one half more years (halfway through ninth grade right now) but I am also an author. I am nearly halfway through writing my first book and hope to get it published someday. After school I am also considering being a lawyer or a computer programmer.

  4. Back in sixth grade, everyone loved writing on the boards. (Come to think of it, even now in high school everyone still does). I was writing something or other and this boy Patrick kept erasing it, just to be mean. I started writing way up high on the top of the board and he got a high stool and stood on it. By now thoroughly infuriated, I shoved Patrick off the stool, not realizing two of the stricted teachers were standing in the doorway. I got away with it by lying and saying I had only meant to block him from erasing my things, and I supposed I put my hands out a bit too far. The teachers were suspicious, but let it pass because I have always been known in school as a good, honest student. Good thing they cannot read minds... ;)

  5. I have tried to post pictures of the uniforms (welfconfed made a collage of six different types of uniforms and sent it to me) however for some reason when I reply the area for adding attachments does not come up. If any of the mods are reading this, do you know why?

  6. I do not respond much because I am not the type of person to just jump in- I like observing first and assessing the general frame of mind of most before sharing. And some things are just interesting to look at, but do not necessarily need a response.