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Posts posted by TransporterMalfunction

  1. I always got the impression that it would be quite like Battlestar Galactica in its general feel i.e. very 70s. In the end I think television movies would have been the best to hope for after that series had gone, however, it could be argued that TNG was a redress of Phase 2, so maybe it might have worked? We will never know!!

  2. One question that I have thought about long and hard (well for at least 2 mins!!) concerns the creation of the character Riker. Which other character do you think he is largely based on, Kirk or Decker?


    On one hand the Riker Troy relationship is the same as Decker was intended to have on ST Phase 2, BUT on the other hand, Riker gets all the ladies and has led many landing parties as Kirk also did.


    So, what do you think?

  3. How do you DS9 fans see the introduction of Worf?


    My personal view is that he was brought in to boost the ratings with a better liked character from a more successful series. I think it worked as it made me watch the odd episode of a series I was not really too keen on, infact I have seen quite a bit of DS9 but never really put time aside to watch the show especially, as done with TOS and TNG.


    So, what are your thoughts on this topic?

  4. I have no problem with Kirk, it's William Shatner who's becoming a pain.

    Agreed. Kirk and Spock are my favourite characters (along with Picard, Bones and Data, and the rest) but when I met both men I found that Mr Nimoy was more generous. I say this because of what I heard in the line to get Shatner's autograph at the Las Vegas convention last year, when this woman standing in front of me was told by some member of staff that she had to put her camera away and was not allowed a photograph as "he will not not do them", she was very disapointed. You could also tell from the way that Mr Shatner held himself that he had a rather large ego, however on the other side of the room was Mr Nimoy who personally thanked each person when they came up and he DID take the time to allow photographs and shake people's hands.


    This experience does not ruin my view of the character (Capt. Kirk) as it is very clear that, in this case, character and actor are very different. However, I have a lot of respect for Leonard Nimoy from having seen him outside of the screen.


    Also, next time someone sees Shatner having an ego attack, I dare you to mention the quality of the films he directer. That would be something I would pay to see!!! :tear:

  5. Spirituality has nothing to do with it. A person is no less spiritual if they are gay. And if you cant tolerate things like homosexuality, people who are different then you miss the whole point of Star Trek. There are people who, in the 60's, wouldnt watch an inter-ratial kiss. Where are they today? The same place you will be a couple of decades from now. :tear:

    If one were to tackle this issue in the strictest sense then it could be argued that there is a difference between homosexuality and racial groups.


    Also, since none of the major religions condone homosexuality then you might find it hard to argue the issue of spirituality.


    My point is not to provide you with a social lecture about the morality of homosexuality or the rights of those who practice it, but I strongly believe that we cannot draw comparison between the racial issues of the 1960s and the social issues and problems that we face today. The problem is that many people create this comparison between these issues that have entirely different foundations; hence specificity is replaced by generalisation.


    Let me highlight that I am not trying to single you out or 'have a go at you', as I am simply discussing constant comparison with the sixties from many sources.

  6. Does anyone know if there are any books on the subject and the amount of film footage that has survived?


    Also, what do you think about ST Phase 2? Would it have been as popular or more popular than TNG? Would it have done well without Mr Spock?

  7. Yeah...stuff like that gets to me too...*twitches*



    I read on another Forum...This Girl and her Mom went to see The Phantom Menace...and after the Movie...the mom asked..."Where was Mr.Spock?"

    I don’t see what was wrong with that. Clearly the intelligent young lady would rather see a Star Trek film involving Mr Spock rather than see Mr Lucas attempting to find his lost ability to write comprehensible dialog.

  8. One might argue that in the quest to fulfil the philosophy of 'Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations' that it would surely include an exploration of emotions.


    I often find that I live my life in a better way when looking at things in a logical manner, for example, when I have a problem I try to look at it logically and I am usually able to resolve it. As Spock said:

    "Logic is the beginning of wisdom, not the end".

  9. Picard and Data versus the Borg Queen was certainly the best battle of the minds.  I really enjoyed the exchanges between Picard and Shinzon throughout Nemesis so I would have to go for Picard versus Shinzon.  It still gives me chills thinking of Shinzon further impaling himself to reach Picard and that look in Picard's eyes.

    Yea, but can any of the others really compare to the classic Kirk flip, would have been even better to see Shatner do it!! :laugh:

  10. TOS: Captain Kirk

    TNG: Captain Picard

    DS9: Worf (Does that count?)

    VOY: The Doctor

    ENT: Mr Reed

    Movies: Mr Spock


    Favourite Enterprise award goes to............The movie refit USS Enterprise NCC 1701. That design is still the coolest! :laugh:

  11. What do you think of this forum?


    My view is that it is one of the best around as people on here allow you to express your views without shouting you down if they disagree. I like discussing issues and listening to different arguments but I just turn off when someone’s argument is that you are not a fan if your opinion is different to theirs.


    Well done everyone! :laugh:

  12. Yes, I would like to see Enterprise on the big screen, possibly even more so than Voyager and DS9. It will be interesting to see if any main characters are killed or new ones added by the end of the show, as every series except TOS has lost a main character in one way or another. Personally I like them all, but if I had to choose one it would be Mayweather simply because his character is so dull and he sounds condescending when making those patronising speaches about morality.

  13. My fault! I should have done a better job editting the quote. I do agree with you TM, the Cat parts were cool, what I was laughing at was this;
    SHe claim that she could be all women to Kirk, and then she turns into three or four of the most hideous looking women there ever were.



    OH-NO! Here I go again! rofl2.gif

    Was it not the same actress with a different wig and clothing? I too wondered why she said she could be different women when she looked the same!


    The last time someone on Star Trek said "I can be any woman you want" was Vina when speaking to Captain Pike. I would have been quite happy with the way she already looked (and by that I mean the way the actress looked and not the disfigured way that the character really looked). I've just ordered the episode of the Twilight Zone that she appears in, apparently it is quite good, have you seen it?

  14. I think "Stigma" vaguely tried to address the issue of stereotypes and prejudice but it sounded more like obvious preaching down to us than meaningful examination of an issue.  And that tactic definitely will not win viewers.  IMO

    Agreed, that is the one and only thing that I am not too keen on i.e. Preaching rather than examination.

  15. I am a Trekkie and always will be because I don't really care about the negative connotations surrounding the term.


    Trekker sounds like someone who likes walking up hill and across moors. Very nice.

  16. Come on, we all know that we watched TOS for the girls, no matter how long you argue it was the moral issues that drew you to the show!


    So, who was the best?


    My vote goes to the girl that Yeoman Rand introduces to Charlie to try to push him on to someone else, the same one he later turns into a frog later in the episode.