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Posts posted by trekz

  1. I saw the 1984 version in a theater in the town I was born, with only 12 people in the whole audience. I knew the movie was in trouble then as far as box office went. If you had not read the book (I had), the movie was rather confusing.


    I thought Patrick was good in the role.

  2. I agree with the author that ST:TMP was overlong, poorly edited, stiffly acted, and had too much focus on the guest actors, shots of Enterprise, and special effects. It was very emotional.


    That said, it was finally some live action Star Trek after years without it. It was also a more Science Fiction oriented plot in some ways that many of the other movies.


    Thank God they came up with Wrath of Khan to get the movie series really going.

  3. I can understand how Mulgrew would be irked over the decision to bring in a younger, very sexy character onto Voyager. At least she does recognize it as a business decision. It would be interesting to see how many more male fans were attracted to the show, versus female viewers that may have been irked and tuned out. I have a female friend who definitely thought it was cheap ploy to get higher ratings.

  4. He's been to lots of conventions over many years, including ones in Chicago, and in Las Vegas. He's very willing to talk to Trek fans. I had not realized he was in other Trek episodes besides Arena (Where he is unrecognizable because of the Gorn suit).