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Posts posted by jdigs

  1. Managed to see an matinee of 'Cradle of Life' today and was impressed. Okay obviously this kind of film won't win any oscar awards but as far as Summer flics go this wasen't half bad and almost fills my need for an adventurous archeologist. I hesitated after being dissapointed by the first Raider flic but was persuaded by a freind to see 2 for the Jolie factor.

  2. Ricard Dean-Anderson, has expressed an interrest in seeing the cast of Enterprise show up for an episode or two.

    Mmmm I wonder how they'd handle that ? ST & SG in different dimensions..I guess Dean and Co would find a gate and end up on a planet and somehow attract Bakula and Co.

  3. Oddly enough I felt seven seasons for TNG was fine...yes there could have been more story lines and more character development, but I have to look at it from the actors point of view instead of the fans. When you are being offered $1 million plus per ep coming to work isn't all that hard. By breakng of into movies Paramount did what hollywood has been doing for years..took a fan base and gave it what the wanted while lining their pockets. I'm not taalking greed here only sense, sure they coild have had season 8,9 and 10 but making a movie is much more profitable ( unless its nemisis)

  4. Very good question CJLP. Maybe that's what Voyager needed..a dramatic death of a senior staff member...too bad that would never have happend..Janeway was the first Female captain and therefore held alot of weight for Paramount by attracting more female viewers, killng her or getting her abducted wouldn't have played as a male captain got the chair.

  5. Well call me a party-pooper, but I jus't don't see the need for another remake of Pan..the original animated film and Hook after it where more then enuf IMO and feel that this is just another way for hollywood to make a buck by re-making or re-doing movies that we've already seen..that being said..I'll wait for rent.

  6. Anyone know any good bit torrent sites for downloading ds9 episodes??? there arent too many people sharing on kazaa these days with the music recording company scare....i have scifiepz which is good for enterprise, but i have yet to find a good source for the other 3 series...





    Our fearless leader is the man to ask about dwloaded DS9 ep's..Pm him. :)

  7. I might be able to answer one of those questions..as I finished reading 'homecoming part 1 and 2'...Careful now


    Click for Spoiler:

    Janeway and Tuvok teach a class together..Although the book hints slightly at a "Project" shes working on, it ends with a bigger deal for her old 2nd in Command




    But who knows..that aint Canon right.