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Posts posted by Tench745

  1. I think one reason I like Star Trek is because my dad always had my family watch TNG when it was on. We'd order pizza, make milk-shakes, and watch TV as a family. My dad wasn't home very often, so it was one of the few fun things we did together. So, I always associated Star Trek with fun.

  2. Now this is a topic I like. It's obvious that people would only want the doctor to treat them in emergencys.... he's an EMH! As for the doctor's bedside manner, well, I enjoy his dry sense of humor, as well as the fact that he only sings tasteful opera. Doctor Bashir seems too confident to me, but I wouldn't mind being treated by him. Doctor Crusher is far to motherly for me, but I suppose that is desired in deep space.

  3. I've been a Voyager fan for a year now, and the relationship between Seven and Ensign Kim is very interesting. I think it would be interesting to know what happens between he crew members about five years after they return to the alpha quadrant.

  4. What is it about Star Trek that makes us love it? Could it be the well developed storylines? The fact that it is all military related? It's possible that it could be the physically possible technology. Why do you like Star Trek? I am not sure why I do.